
The Lawyer Inquiry: Catherine Berney

BT: charges for use of lines No declaratory relief when no cause of action Summary: Court will not grant declaratory relief where there is no dispute or cause of action between the parties. Defendants’ appeal against refusal by the Commercial Court to strike out the plaintiffs’ claim for declarations as to licensing charges for use […]

First for Martineau

Birmingham firm Martineau Johnson has become the first firm outside London to install the R/KYV computerised document management system. This will put the firm in a strong position to compete with the biggest firms for litigation work, says Andrew Spooner, head of litigation. But the 24-partner firm will also use it in its intellectual property […]

Having a bash

Legal system bashing is as much in season as ever. The recent BBC Law in Action national opinion survey found the justice industry with little public standing. As Bar Council Chairman Peter Goldsmith QC put it last week, in the demonology lawyers are ranked low in public esteem along with politicians and journalists. Perhaps we […]

Soldiers challenge MoD

A test case is in the High Court pipeline which could have far ranging implications for members of the armed forces who suffer psychological problems after active duty. Five soldiers are set to do battle with the Ministry of Defence in a unique claim for compensation for severe post traumatic stress disorder they say they […]

Partner attacks surveyors report

A REPORT claiming house-buyers get a raw deal from surveyors has come under fire from a leading professional indemnity lawyer. A study by the National Consumer Council (NCC) concludes that the Court of Appeal has sided with surveyors in determining damages for negligence claims. The NCC says householders should be awarded the full cost of […]

National Five-a-Side Football Competition

The Lawyer is pleased to announce the 1995 Legal National Five-a-Side football tournament in conjunction with Arsenal Football Club. This is the third year of this highly popular event and last season it attracted entries from over 150 teams keen to play in a good cause. The competition is open to all members of the […]

Bridging the cultural gaps

Mary Heaney talks to the growing number of foreign firms which have set up offices in London and are doing the business Despite the departure of Japanese firm Hamada & Matsumoto from London last year, foreign law firms with offices in the city claim to have had a busy year. Says Timothy Brookes of Australian […]

Levy leaves SJ Berwin for Olswang

S J BERWIN & Co partner Graeme Levy has deserted its high-profile corporate finance department to join Olswang. Levy handed in his notice last week, but is still with his old firm while his leaving terms are finalised. Olswang partner Caroline Kean says the London firm is very excited about the move. “He will be […]

Limited aid for smokers

LIMITED legal aid certificates have been granted to 200 smokers who are taking part in a multi-party action against tobacco manufacturers. The Legal Aid Board last week announced it would reverse an earlier decision to deny the smokers legal aid after an independent area committee of solicitors and barristers received new information and submissions from […]

Cow attack partner sues successfully

WRAGGE & Co insurance litigation partner David Birch has won a pay-out of almost u45,000 after he was attacked and trampled by a herd of cows. Birch last month won the pay-out from the insurance company NFU Mutual after the incident on a gated road in Northamptonshire in 1991. The company, which defended the action […]

Judge pre-empts Taylor and cuts 'waffle' in record trial

A HIGH Court Judge took the first tentative steps to “cut the waffle” in the justice system, when he laid down time limits for the cross-examination of witnesses. Mr Justice Sedley, who pre-empted the recent practice direction of Lord Chief Justice Lord Taylor, set down rules to speed up proceedings in a protracted personal injury […]

Sex harassers unfairly treated too

EMPLOYERS could face a rise in unfair dismissal claims from workplace sex pests if rules regarding the issue are not firmly established, employment lawyers warn. Lawyers claim harassers can also be unfairly treated and, to avoid paying out to them as well as their victims, “positive steps” need to be taken. Barnett Alexander Chart employment […]