
Litigation Writs 07/03/95

Rushmoor Borough Council is being sued by Sonya Padgett, from Aldershot, who trades as Quality House Reproductions. She is seeking damages for wrongful interference with her goods and excessive distress from non-domestic rates. She is also seeking damages for alleged trespass to her property and a court order banning further such action by the council. […]

Appeal Court side-stepped case, claims Woods' lawyer

THE SIXTEEN-year saga of Peggy Wood’s fight for justice has finally ended amid claims that the Court of Appeal “side-stepped the issue”. Wood hoped to establish that the Law Society owed a duty of care when investigating complaints against solicitors. But the Court of Appeal last week threw out the case on the grounds that […]

DJ Freeman hunts out multimedia whiz-kids for specialist department

D J Freeman is on the look out for two senior media lawyers in a bid to boost its media operations. The City firm has created a new multimedia division, claiming the demand for media and telecommunications specialists is booming. The division will be headed by Tony Leifer, who previously led the firm’s company commercial […]

Bidding for electric power

Ground-breaking work by Linklaters & Paines on the Trafalgar House bid for Northern Electric is likely to have laid down the technical legal path regarding further bids for regional electricity companies (RECs). The bid has gone to the Northern shareholders, who will decide on 10 March whether to accept the improved offer of u11 cash […]

Biddles splits top posts as Johnson bows out

BIDDLE & CO senior and managing partner Hugh Johnson has announced plans to hand over the firm’s leadership to younger blood with a brief to revamp the IT system. Johnson will relinquish his managing partner position, held since 1982, in June this year and his senior partner post in June 1996, when he will retire. […]

Councils use civil courts to wage war against estate crime

LOCAL authorities are increasingly looking to the civil courts to combat crime on their estates. Two councils have recently broken new legal ground by extending the scope of civil injunctions in order to keep trouble-makers at bay. Hackney has secured a county court injunction preventing an individual entering properties on an estate even though he […]

Hand goes solo in pensions venture

Dibb Lupton Broomhead’s head of pension law Sean Hand has left the firm’s City office in order to launch his own niche firm, Hand & Co. Hand’s aim is to provide a service to law firms which have no pensions law expertise to allow them to provide pensions advice to commercial clients. He proposes a […]

Fladgates partner heads for Wiltshire

FLADGATE Fielder’s head of private client work Peter FitzGerald has switched to Wiltshire firm Wilsons. A second partner, also called Peter FitzGerald and his younger cousin, has left Fladgates to join the Salisbury-based practice which is building up its agricultural estates team. “I do not believe any private client, however wealthy, is happy with London […]

Quill signs up firms

* Quill Computers has signed up four law firms for its accounting and time recording program. Kendall firm Powell & Sykes will be running the Laudit system on a single terminal; Hexham-based Nicholson Wood & Gregg is running this and a Quill database on its network; Coopers, a three-partner practice in Newcastle-under-Lyme, has bought the […]

Compas clearing scheme takes off

COMPAS, the university-style clearing house scheme for pupillages, is creating a buzz around the Inns of Court, according to one of its chief promoters. So far, 12 common law sets have signed up to the Compas system, which aims to bring order to the current free-for-all annual pupil selection round. Christopher Purchas QC, of Raymond […]

Narayan takes on tribunal judges

John Malpas reports AN EX-BARRISTER is battling to force three judges to appear before an industrial tribunal to face charges that they breached race relations law when disbarring him. Rudy Narayan was disbarred in July 1994 following a Disciplinary Tribunal of the Inns of Court. He will take his case before a review hearing this […]