
Day hopeful for PoW pay-out

FORMER prisoners of war held by the Japanese during World War II may receive compensation by the end of the year if legal action started last month is successful. UK solicitor Martyn Day, who is working on the case with a team of Japanese lawyers, says pay-outs may be secured for almost 25,000 Allied PoWs […]

Foreign affairs

Foreign lawyers in the UK will find their feet and some useful contacts with the aid of networks. Nicole Maley reports Networks are the current buzz word. From the formal business generating UK groupings to the looser pan-global associations, lawyers like to “network”. But when you are a foreign lawyer working in a new country […]

UK firms 'least competitive'

UK LAWYERS’ fees are set to be the highest – and therefore least competitive – in Europe after confirmation in Luxembourg of the UK government’s policy of taxing lawyers’ fees. The European legal decision means that non-recoverable VAT on the bills of lawyers, accountants, and corporate finance advisers are likely to be a permanent burden […]

SCL Liverpool branch

The Society for Computers & Law has a new branch in Liverpool. This follows a successful society organised exhibition in the city last year. Cuff Roberts’ David Rawlinson is chair of the branch.

Irish Attorney takes cut

THE NEW Irish Attorney General, Dermot Gleeson, has suffered a substantial drop in salary by taking the job. As the government’s legal adviser, he will now earn IRu76,000 a year, less than a quarter of his estimated annual income as one of the sharpest minds of the Irish Bar. Gleeson, from Cork, has been involved […]

Council ignored QC's advice

A LEADING QC’s advice to Westminster City Council was partly ignored and misrepresented when it was put before the authority’s housing committee, according to a leaked report which reveals details of a u30 million free maintenance scandal. Residents who bought council houses were not charged for major works between 1987 and 1991, internal auditors have […]

Players on the international scene

One of the world’s oldest lawyers has died aged 97, only two months after celebrating his 75th year in practice. Bernard Nath, a senior partner at Chicago firm Sonnenschein, was still clocking up a significant number of weekly billable hours right up until his death on 18 September. He joined the firm in 1921, 15 […]

Are your hands dirty?

Reputable firms may be breaking the law on money laundering reports Mike Yuille Has the Law Society got it wrong when it comes to what part of a solicitor’s business is caught by the money laundering regulations? If it has, then many solicitors are already committing a criminal offence by not fully complying. Some lawyers […]

In brief: Lords set to rule on Howard's injury tariff

The House of Lords is about to rule on whether Home Secretary Michael Howard had acted unlawfully in bringing in the new flat-rate tariffs in place of the current Criminal Injury Compensation Scheme. Howard has advised cabinet colleagues that he will have to bring in emergency legislation if the appeal fails. The Court of Appeal […]

One stop solution

Fennell Betson reports Law firms could handle all their computing under one operating system on a single server – that was the claim made at a demonstration to 100 law firms at a recent London seminar. Unusually, the seminar involved three suppliers: Microsoft, Pilgrim Systems and Sequent Computers, combining to show that the operating software, […]

In brief: QCs subject to standard criminal fees

Standard fees in criminal cases are set to be extended to QCs. The fixed-fee system will also be broadened to include Crown Court cases lasting up to 10 days. The Lord Chancellor is currently in tough negotiations with the Law Society and the Bar Council and new regulations are expected to be announced in the […]