
Eversheds' IP expert flies solo in Stockport

THE EX-CHAIR of the Eversheds National Intellectual Property Group, Philip Woods, has set up as a sole practitioner specialising in intellectual property. Woods, who left Eversheds Alexander Tatham at the end of last year, cannot practise in Manchester for a year because of a restrictive covenant. As a result, he has set up in Stockport. […]


Propping up the market

Patrick Elias QC has earned the highest ever praise from solicitors in three years of The Lawyer’s specialist Bar features. Matheu Swallow finds out why. It might seem strange for one of England’s most prestigious employment barristers to be so outspoken on such a delicate issue. But Patrick Elias QC is adamant. “Hoddle must go,” […]

Murex challenge

* The House of Lords is considering an application by Murex Diagnostics to challenge a Court of Appeal ruling made last October in a patent infringement action relating to kits designed for the treatment of hepatitis. Murex in defence has argued that the Chiron Corporation abused its dominant market position and charged unfairly high prices, […]

Video rolls for Hamers

Hull-based Philip Hamer & Co has installed two video-conferencing units and plans to buy more. Senior partner Philip Hamer, who has been watching the area develop for 12 years, says: “Teleconferencing has at last come of age.” He attributes this to the fall in equipment prices. The Intel computer cards cost about u2,000 and the […]

In brief: Knightsbridge Crown Court to be sold

The Lord Chancellor is to sell the old Knightsbridge Crown Court complex located at 1 Hans Crescent. The court has been sitting in Southwark since the closure of the Knightsbridge building last year.

Wandsworth legal advice 'was wrong'

THE AUDITOR investigating complaints about Wandsworth council’s housing policy has told counsel their advice was wrong. James Goudie QC and Nigel Giffin, of 11 King’s Bench Walk, advised that the borough’s policy of selling off empty council homes was “in principle capable of being lawful”. But the Wandsworth auditor, in line with the view taken […]

Football Competition

The Lawyer is pleased to announce the 1995 Legal National Five-a-Side football tournament in conjunction with Arsenal Football Club. The competition is open to all members of the legal profession and those associated with it. So law firms, barristers’ chambers, in-house legal departments and courthouse staff are invited to field teams. The event will kick […]

Where there's a will…

In an extraordinary move, all 27 tenants at 3 Paper Buildings, Samuel Parrish’s chambers, have applied to join Plowden Buildings. A decision will be taken this Saturday. The expanded set will be one of the largest sets in Temple with between 55 and 60 barristers. Paul Hurst, senior clerk at Plowden Buildings, said: ‘If a […]


Duo Developments (Rochdale), advised by Addleshaws Sons & Latham, has bought a development site for an undisclosed sum from Rochdale Borough Council, advised by its in-house legal department. The company entered into an agreement for lease with Secretary of State for the Environment, advised by Alsop Wilkinson, to develop the site as a benefit office […]


Britannia Building Society was advised by Slaughter and May in the syndicated u425m dual currency revolving credit agreement


Kimberley Hotels was advised by Eversheds Hepworth & Chadwick in relation to an enterprise investment scheme.


Pillar Property Investments, advised by Gouldens, has bought Churchgate House and Lee House in Manchester for u20m from Team Group, advised by Gorna & Co.