
In brief: Harbottles issues libel writ for Zeffirelli

London-based Harbottle & Lewis has issued a writ for libel on behalf of its client, Italian film director Franco Zeffirelli. The writ, issued to the editor and publishers of Screen International, alleges the magazine’s latest edition published a story suggesting Zeffirelli is a fascist member of the Italian parliament. Harbottles senior partner Michael Bowler says […]

Butterworths puts 'Tax Service' on CD-ROM

Legal publishers Butterworths has launched the latest version of Simon’s ‘Direct Tax Service’ in both CD-ROM format and in book form. The electronic version is part of the publisher’s ‘books on screen’ series, and replicates the format of the printed volumes. One disk contains the 11 volumes in the set covering income tax, corporation tax, […]

Working party set up to identify electronic issues

Fennell Betson reports The Society for Computers & Law is examining the future of electronic communications in the profession. A working party, chaired by James Behrens of 13 Old Square, is to report on the findings in June. A questionnaire on the extent and type of communication currently in use in the legal world is […]

Murder trial date set

* Daphne Thorn is scheduled to be tried at the Old Bailey on 3 April for murdering three of her children. The case was committed for trial from Barking, Essex.

Litigation Recent Decisions 07/03/95

Lloyd’s: reinsurance ruling. Duties of Lloyd’s member agents to Names’ syndicates. PJ Aiken & Ors v Stewart Wrightson Members Agency Ltd & Ors (The Pulbrook Syndicates) (Ch.D (Potter J) Summary: Eleven consolidated actions by 378 Lloyd’s Names who were members of Lloyd’s Syndicates Nos.333, 334, 335, 426 and 427 (‘the syndicate’) for the 1985 underwriting […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 07/03/95

DAVID JOHN KELL-EGHER, 45, admitted 1976, practised on own account as King & Co, Oldham, Lancashire, struck off and ordered to pay u2,160 costs. Allegations substantiated he practised without a current practising certificate, wrongly drew client money and used client money for own purposes, failed to keep properly written accounts, failed to deliver accountant’s reports […]

Competing on equal footing

I read with interest the letter from David McIntosh in your issue of 25 February. There is a world of difference between accepting certain basic principles on the one hand and, on the other, apparently deliberately making attempts, in a public forum, to lay stress on practices, whether they are common or not, which are […]

Spotlight on courts

The new Courts Services agency and its first head Michael Huebner, according to the agency’s corporate plan, face the twin challenges of improving quality of service while closing the gap between civil business income and expenditure. But the programme for the agency is the standard government model of more efficiency through more cuts. Huebner says […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Cliona O'Tuama

The Trainee Solicitors’ Group (TSG) claimed last week that the Law Society makes a profit from students on the legal practice course. The TSG said that figures produced by the Law Society revealed that the Law Society may have made a £1m profit from students since the course was introduced in 1993.

Firms come to blows over jail threat

A LAW firm is seething over an application to have one of its legal staff locked up in jail for contempt of court. The motion to commit Paul Callan, of Barry Phillips & Co, along with the defendant he is representing in a High Court action, was launched by Clintons. Clintons alleged Callan and client […]

In brief: White & Bowker appoints top trio

Hampshire firm White & Bowker has made three new appointments as part of strategic changes to itsmanagement structure. Managing partner Alastair Rhodes says the arrival of directors of personnel, marketing and information technology will let the lawyers “concentrate on what they are good at, namely giving legal advice, rather than trying to manage the practice”. […]

Bar to 'get tough' on court costs

THE BAR Council is calling for extra judges and more open courts to speed up case processing, in contrast to Government policy of rationalising the numbers of courts. The Bar’s view is part of a wide raft of proposals for getting “tough on court costs” to be put in a submission to Lord Woolf. Other […]