
Polish assistant

City firm Allen & Overy has signed up Lucjan Jarzynski as a Polish legal assistant in its Warsaw office. Jarzynski has joined from the Polish Senate’s legal department, where he had been working on Polish draft legislation. His appointment takes the number of Polish legal assistants in the office to six.

In brief: Courts win power to confiscate profits

Courts are now able to confiscate profits gained through “serious and acquisitive crime” by persistent offenders following the enforcement last week of the Proceeds of Crime Act 1995. The Act means criminals face losing their homes, cars and possessions if courts believe they have been bought with the proceeds of crime. “It cannot be right […]

Government must clarify future of CPS, say staff

STAFF at the Crown Prosecution Service have welcomed the Government’s decision not to turn it into a Next Steps agency but say the future is still uncertain for the service. The announcement to preserve the service’s status as a government department was made by Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell. In an answer to a parliamentary […]

Unions fight privatisation

LABOUR is backing two trades unions in condemning plans to “privatise” computer and administration functions in the courts service. The government plans, involving its private finance initiative, are going through without judicial consultation or parliamentary debate. The unions intend to write to all judges, from the circuits to the Supreme Court bench, and MPs to […]

Did Lloyd's mislead the markets?

Did Lloyd’s conceal the nature and scale of liabilities arising from asbestos claims, and thereby mislead the market? Evidence culled from the reports of US law firms combined with insiders’ information and Lloyd’s own statistics suggest this may be the case, say some lawyers. If this were proved the disastrous consequences for Lloyd’s would be […]

Litigation Personal Injury 07/11/95

Chute v St Aubyn – QBD 20 October 1995 Claimant: Julia Mary Susan Chute, 4Accident: Housewife and mother, received severe burns after methylated spirit caused barbecue to flare up Injuries: Extensive burns to arms, hands, abdomen, chest, neck, lower face and forehead, estimated at 21 per cent of total body surface area. Treated first with […]

City firm takes Windows route

Helen Sage reports City firm Titmuss Sainer Dechert claims it is the first law firm to have migrated to Windows 95. Since the firm’s upgrade programme began in June this year, 90 of its administrative staff have switched smoothly from Wordperfect for DOS to Word 7.0 and Windows 95. The contract, carried out by consultants […]

Somerset hunt bill slashed by £80,000

THE LEGAL bill for the battle between the Quantock Staghounds and Somerset County Council has been slashed by £80,000 by a High Court taxing master. Among the expenses disallowed from the bill submitted by the successful hunt team, was the cost incurred by sending counsel Michael Beloff QC on an outing intended to familiarise him […]

Got a problem? Ask the family

LIVERPOOL solicitor Kash Mahmood is sitting on a potential new market after the destruction of an old one. The Abenson & Co assistant was called in by his market trader father Shafqat after the premises he sold from were gutted by fire. And the family connection may provide further business, as 18 of his father’s […]

FT puts business information on-line

Financial Times Information has launched its new on-line product FT Discovery. Targeted at the corporate network user, the product has been designed for Windows and Windows 95 applications and can be accessed by telephone dial-up or the Internet. The service, either network or stand-alone PC-based, draws on information from the Financial Times Group’s intellectual property […]

Weil Gotshals severs links with Nabarros

UK NEWCOMER Weil, Gotshal & Manges has cut ties with its London associates Nabarro Nathanson. But both firms maintain the split was amicable, claiming there will be limited competition between the two. Nabarro’s senior partner David Bramson said the practice, which first established links with the New York firm five years ago, would not enter […]

Strike the local balance

Your correspondent who writes under the name “Eurosceptic” about the question of rights of establishment for lawyers in Europe seems to have got a rather confused idea of what the argument is all about. In fact the CCBE did reach agreement on a draft Establishment Directive for lawyers in October 1992. It was the European […]