
Network support launched

A PIONEERING consultancy has been launched in Bristol to help councils steer through the maze of problems arising from the reorganisation of local government. The Network support system will offer advice on key legal questions arising out of issues such as competitive tendering, staff transfers and employment contracts. Legal input for the Bristol-based consultancy is […]

Bar finalises pupillage system

BAR Council chair Peter Goldsmith has urged chambers to support a new pupillage clearing house system to put an end to the current “chaotic” free-for-all selection system. The Bar Council unanimously approved the proposed Pupillage Applications Clearing House system (PACH) at its meeting on Saturday 8 July. The system, which is to be based on […]


Ashurst Morris Crisp acted for Bankers Trust which


Gouldens acted for Silk Industries plc on its flotation

Judges want help for litigants

A more systematic approach to the provision of pro bono legal services by barristers and solicitors is needed to increase support for litigants in person, the Judges Council says. The council has released a package of recommendations to assist people representing themselves in legal actions. It based its recommendations on a report by Lord Justice […]

In brief: Crossman/Walker merger talks are off

Merger talks between London firms Crossman Block and Walker Martineau have been scrapped, it emerged last week. Peter Dale, chief executive at Crossman Block, says the two sides could not agree on a way forward. “The talks are off with no plans to restart,” he says. Dale adds that the firm still wants to expand […]

NHS 'super panel' set to attract medical negligence lawyers

MEDICAL negligence lawyers are to be invited to tender for a “super panel” serving a new national defence fund for NHS trusts which could put the squeeze on legal fees. So far 343 NHS trusts have signed up to the voluntary Clinical Negligence Scheme that was set up by the Government earlier this year to […]

UK legal 'creme de la creme' addresses Poles

LEADING members of the UK judiciary will speak on the English legal system at a three-day event to be staged in Warsaw later this year as part of Poland’s British Days programme. The two-week programme, which will run in October, will include a section titled British Law Days. This is designed to present the latest […]

In brief: Crown Court judges in pre-trial hearings?

Home Secretary Michael Howard is proposing to allow Crown Court judges to hear pre-trial arguments from prosecution and defence counsel before calling a jury. Judges at present have no powers to make binding rulings at pre-trial hearings and have to interrupt trials to hear arguments in the absence of the jury. Under the proposals, which […]

Management buyout forms new firm

Home counties law firm Brain & Brain has split after a management buyout by four of its partners. The Basingstoke office is being relaunched as Brain Chase Coles, while the Reading branch continues as Brain & Brain. Heads of both firms say the split is amicable and evolved by commercial work going to Reading while […]

Penningtons loses office as partners choose to go it alone

THE BREAKAWAY of the Bournemouth offshoot of the London and Home Counties firm Penningtons was confirmed last week when it relaunched as a separate practice under the name Fynn & Partners. Months of negotiations ended with senior partner Lionel Fynn and five other partners beginning as a specialist practice in environmental, licensing and planning law […]