
Lawyers split on privacy status quo

THE GOVERNMENT’S wholesale rejection of tougher privacy laws has won a mixed reaction from lawyers, with some warning that tabloid excesses will now continue unchecked. Those acting for the press welcome the Government’s recognition of the difficulties inherent in privacy law. However, plaintiff lawyers criticise the Government for failing to consider “serious public concerns”. Andrew […]

In brief: Law Society goes solo on fees advice

The Law Society has issued its own model terms of engagement of counsel for conditional fee agreements and advised solicitors that the Bar’s alternative terms “are in some respects disadvantageous to clients”. The society has listed six areas of dispute including the Bar’s requirement for an advice fee to be paid even if counsel does […]

Youngest-ever Ilex president

DAVIES Arnold Cooper personal injury specialist David Pipkin has been elected as the youngest-ever president of the Institute of Legal Executives. Pipkin, a fellow of Ilex since 1979, was appointed as successor to Marron Dodds’ Phillip Partridge at the first meeting of the Ilex council last week. He says his main objectives for his year […]

'The people's representatives for change'

A dialogue on the US justice system is top of Roberta Cooper Ramo’s agenda, discovers Anne Gallagher As Roberta Cooper Ramo prepares to become the first woman president in the 117-year history of the American Bar Association this August, a new era dawns for the US legal profession. But now that Ramo has broken the […]

Practices shop around for systems

Helen Sage reports An increasing number of legal practices are looking to a number of specialist suppliers to meet their computer requirements. A survey among 80 law firms by chartered accountants James & Cowper and LawNet found there has been a move towards practices installing single or departmental PC solutions. “Many of these are very […]

Northern firm aims for paperless office

Helen Sage reports Rotherham-based firm, Oxley & Coward is setting up a pilot scheme of seven networked PCs in September in a bid to streamline its office. The initiative was taken after two Oxleys partners, John Yates and Rosemary Downs, visited US law firms in the spring. The pair were particularly impressed by Boston-based firm […]

TJG breaks legal ground with flotation sponsorship

Taylor Joynson Garrett has become the first law firm to sponsor a company flotation on the Stock Exchange (SE) Official List. The firm acted as both sponsors and solicitors to the placing of the shares of four-year-old Toy Options Group, valued at £13 million. The flotation is another major achievement for the firm’s corporate team, […]

Ex-tenant sued for £7,000

A HEAD of chambers is suing a former tenant for failing to pay more than £7,000 to the set before he left. In a writ issued at the High Court, Martin Thomas QC, head of chambers at 1 Dr Johnson’s Buildings, claims Ashitey Ollennu owes £7,866. Ollennu, who now practises at Wilfred Forster-Jones’ 1 Middle […]

Litigation Writs 25/07/95

– A Winchester couple whose home was damaged by a fire said to have spread from replaced electricity equipment are taking Southern Electric to the High Court. Peter and Jane Clarke, of Wonston, Winchester, Hampshire, accuse Southern El

Bar conducts democracy shake-up

A BAR working party on democracy holds its first meeting this week amid rumblings of discontent among some barristers who accuse the ruling council of being unaccountable to its electorate. The working party, headed by treasurer Michael Blair, follows the Bar AGM in June when some members called for the meeting’s motions to be made […]

Fast-track libel hides 'dangers'

Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay’s proposals for fast-tracking smaller defamation claims could win support among newspapers but present hidden dangers to individuals, say lawyers. The proposed summary procedure would allow judges to dispose quickly of simpler cases for awards of up to £10,000. Santha Rasaiah, senior lawyer at the Newspaper Society which represents regional papers, warns: […]


Theodore Goddard acted for Kingsbury plc in its £24 million flotation by way of a placing by Credit Lyonnais Laing.