
Defence with a cool passion

Stephen Pollard is calm. The media is baying at his door, and one of the world’s most uncompromising jurisdictions is trying to extradite his client – he has a legal fight of Herculean proportions on his hands. He is calm because it is in his nature to be calm and because his personal policy as […]

In brief: International court judge for lecture

This year’s Wilberforce Lecture is being given by Gilbert Guillaume, Judge of the International Court of Justice, on the ‘The future of international judicial institutions’. The address, sponsored by Clifford Chance, is at 6pm on 11 May at the Great Hall, Lincoln’s Inn, London and admission is free. The British Institute for International and Comparative […]

Lawyer warns of copyright pitfalls in TV documentary

THE LEGAL hurdles faced by designers who bring actions for copyright infringement by larger competitors were revealed in a television documentary film last week. BBC2’s ‘Taking Liberties’ showed how newcomers to sectors such as fashion and textiles found it tough to get justice when their ideas were stolen by the industry’s big names. Alexander Carter-Silk, […]


Mercury Asset Management, advised by Manches & Co, has been involved in the interim funding and forward purchase of a £14m retail warehouse park at Oldbury Green in the West Midlands, which has been completed by St Modwen, advised by Wragge & Co.


Alexanders Holding was advised by Fladgate Fielder in relation to a term loan facility of £1.75m to refinance acquisition costs of Alexanders of Lincoln with the Royal Bank of Scotland

Lords probes pension case bills

The question of who foots the bill for challenges to the activities of pension fund trustees is to be probed by the House of Lords. In the case of McDonald and others v Horn and others it has given leave for an appeal. The central issue of the case is whether a beneficiary of a […]

Fidelity targets firms

Fidelity Brokerage, part of the Fidelity Investments group, is targeting law firm investment departments with its expanded dealing and settlement services. It has introduced commission-sharing on dealing commissions and four grades of service levels for portfolio administration, including nominee accounts, annual composite tax voucher, money market account, with half-yearly or quarterly valuation and reporting.

In brief: Women take look at glass ceiling

Alison Parkinson, vice-chair elect of the Association of Women Solicitors, will address a meeting of the Federation Internationale Des Femmes Des Carrieres Juridiques in London on 23 May. Parkinson will give a speech titled ‘Dismissal, redundancy and the glass ceiling’ at the Naval Club, W1. Two members of the group’s UK section will also speak. […]

In brief: Kyle new Linklaters managing partner

Linklaters & Paines has appointed Terence Kyle as its managing partner. Kyle will take over from Christopher Gorman on 1 June. A graduate of Cambridge University, Kyle qualified as a lawyer with Linklaters in 1972. He became a partner in 1979 and moved to his current position as head of the firm’s international finance department […]

Presidential runners line up for YSG hustings

THE YOUNG Solicitors’ Group has made its mark on the Law Society’s election campaign by calling a presidential hustings. The group’s national committee has invited candidates for the positions of president and vice-president of the solicitors’ profession to take the platform in order to answer questions posed on behalf of YSG members. Taking place at […]

Catching up with Europe

Each year as the ties between the European Union’s member states strengthen, lawyers are being asked to increase their knowledge of legislation coming out of the continent. But now, as the Law Society prepares to introduce a new European element to legal training, some people are questioning whether the education system is adequate in preparing […]

Take the tax advantage

Jim Eberwein A combination of an offshore investment with trusts can produce substantial tax savings for any well advised UK resident domiciled investor. There are different types of offshore investment but for efficient tax planning purposes the offshore insurance bond is the vehicle for sheltering income and capital gains. The insurance bond is tax efficient […]