
Next ASIM conference

ASIM has also confirmed details on its conference and AGM to be held at the Randolph Hotel, Oxford, on 16-17 June. Labour MP Andrew Smith, junior shadow minister for the Treasury, will address the conference, also open to non-ASIM members. Contact ASIM on 01892 870065.

Hunt's legal bills queried

LAWYERS for the Quantock stag hunt are demanding payment for a barrister’s hunting trip as part of their £250,000 claim for costs against Somerset County Council. Sir Robert Carnwath QC, now a judge, made the outing with the Devon and Cornwall hunt in preparation to challenge Somerset’s attempt to ban the Quantock (pictured above). The […]

Clerks foresee huge delays under LAB

HORRENDOUS delays would follow any move to deprive the courts of the power to administer criminal legal aid, according to the president of the Justices’ Clerks’ Society. Peter Dawson has told the society’s annual conference in Harrogate of the dangers of their losing the right to consider legal aid to the Legal Aid Board. Pointing […]

Moving the goalposts

During the 1990s, businesses, and in particular the professions, have had to confront dramatic changes in the business environment – from expansion to recession, from excess demand to over-capacity. Clients now look hard at legal costs and demand competitive pricing and quality of total service, not just technical excellence. The impact of the recession on […]

Arbitrators examine libel scheme proposals

SENIOR lawyers are to examine ways of settling libel actions against newspapers and magazines by arbitration. The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators has set up a working party to look at the proposal and will produce a report by the end of October. Marcus Rutherford, partner at law firm DJ Freeman, will chair the arbitration (defamation) […]

Firm treads new path in first switch to IMRO

Investment management company THESIS has become the first law firm-based investment adviser to win authorisation from regulatory body IMRO. Anthony Wands, managing director of THESIS, part of Thomas Eggar Verral Bowles, says the decision to switch from Fimbra to IMRO regulation was based on a feeling that the firm had outgrown the regulatory regimes of […]

Law Soc pre-empts 'useless' claims with communications shake-up

A LAW Society shake-up to improve links with the profession coincides with a Welsh assault on its communications department. The department has been described as a “useless administrative wart” by one disgruntled public relations officer. The Associated Law Societies of Wales has passed resolutions calling for the “curtailment” of centralised public relations activities and the […]

Mergers give birth to 'superfirms'

THE MERGER between Nabarro Nathanson and Turner Kenneth Brown has finally gone through, creating a commercial London-based firm of 128 partners and 370 other fee-earners and putting it at number 10 in The Lawyer Top 100. Nabarros brings 107 partners and 295 fee-earners and TKB contributes 21 partners and 75 fee-earners. The new firm, called […]

Hoopers swallows local brokers

Torquay-based law firm Hooper & Woollen has absorbed local stockbroking team John and Michael Clapham to create its own in-house investment management department. The two brother stockbroking team join from stockbroking chain Allied Provincial Westlake & Co to manage Hooper & Wollen’s new investment management division from 1 May. This will operate from the existing […]

Firms clinch Canary Wharf property lets

Ashurst Morris Crisp, Lovell White Durrant and Slaughter and May have put to bed two major Canary Wharf property deals, one of which is the UK’s largest single office leasing deal. Ashursts’ team, led by partners Laurence Rutman and Adrian Dear, acted for Canary Wharf on both lettings. Barclays Bank signed a lease for its […]

Jargon made easy

The Association of Solicitor Investment Managers (ASIM) has produced a glossary containing definitions of over 150 investment terms. Compiled with ASIM’s member investment managers, the 20-page booklet gives investors a point of reference when faced with some of the finance world’s more bewildering jargon. Readers interested in obtaining copies should contact ASIM on 01892 870065 […]

SIFA and Fraser Smith forge strong alliance

TWO of the most active advisory groups in law firm financial services have formed an alliance to work together. The Fraser Smith Group and Solicitors for Financial Services say the agreement will provide firms with the most comprehensive range of services in this area of practice. SIFA, which works with around 350 firms offering discrete […]