
Farmer signals anger to firm

The senior partner and an articled clerk from a leading south east law firm are to appear at Lewes Magistrates Court on 25 May in a private prosecution brought against them by a former client. Christopher Hall, senior partner with Tunbridge Wells-based Cripps Harries Hall and his son, articled clerk Colin Hall, along with Colin […]


Last year, Clyde & Co solicitor Margaret Curzon spent a week on the bench alongside commercial judges Mr Justice Saville and Mr Justice Cresswell. It was an “unfortunate week” where “nothing went according to plan” said head of listings David Bird. Despite this, Curzon found the experience “extremely interesting for a solicitor” as “you are […]


J Sainsbury, advised by Denton Hall, has bought for £45m the three Cargo Club sites at Bristol, Croydon and Wednesbury from Nurdin & Peacock, advised by Travers Smith & Braithwaite.

IBA makes worldwide on-line connection

The International Bar Association has linked up with Lexis Counsel Connect as the provider of international on-line services to its 16,000 individual members worldwide. IBA members in 173 countries will be able to use LCC’s range of services, including email and access to legal databases, through their PCs. The association’s Simon Bolding says the main […]

Ruling sparks care scare

COUNCIL lawyers throughout the country have begun examining a key High Court ruling amid fears that they face a legal challenge over the hiving off of residential care homes. They are worried that the judgement, which halts Wandsworth Council’s privatisation programme, may be turned against them. Wandsworth, the south London Tory flagship borough, wants to […]

Bar may force equality code

AN EQUALITY code including an entire chapter devoted to the problems of sexual harassment and another on fair pupil selection may soon become compulsory for chambers. ‘The Equality Code for Chambers’, currently being revised by the Bar Council, is set to be incorporated into its code of practice effectively forcing chambers to adopt its provisions. […]

Software puts papers on Internet

ILFORD-based IMYJS, the document imaging specialist, has announced a facility enabling its R/KYV system to publish documents on the Internet. The ‘publisher and viewer’ software allows the pages to be read internally or externally without having to gain access to the main imaging system, says Bill Cannings, managing director of IMYJS. Firms can use the […]

Unusual Hearing Locations

The casebook of Kent-based sole practitioner Andrew McCooey reveals more than its fair share of unexpected names and unusual hearing locations. His clients include Myra Hindley, Nick Ingram, Tara Terry, Kenny Ritchie and Sally Croft, all of whom, except Hindley, have found themselves in trouble abroad. Court locations include the US, Greece and Belize. The […]

ACE to the rescue

Supplier ACE has devised a disaster protection scheme which provides pre-configured systems to replace servers put out of action by theft or damage. Under the subscription-based scheme a stand-by system for a predefined number of users will always be on hand.

Litigation Recent Decisions 09/05/95

Tracing funds paid in property deal Boscawen & Ors v Bajwa & Ors: Abbey National v Boscawen (1995). (CA (Stuart Smith LJ, Waite LJ, Millett LJ). Summary: Entitlement to funds in court derived from a sale under a charging order and tracing funds paid to a chargee so as to create an equitable charge over […]

Official whistle blown against TI Group

The US Justice Department has filed a complaint in the US against UK corporation the TI Group, according to New York lawyers Engel & McCarney. By doing so the US Government has joined a ‘whistleblowing action’ first launched by an ex-employee of a TI Group subsidiary, Dowty Woodville Polymer. The company allegedly overcharged the US […]

Goldsmith's ABA address calls for cut in 'paper mountains'

BAR COUNCIL chair Peter Goldsmith QC last week reiterated calls for a reduction in the paperwork involved in litigation during his speech to the American Bar Association conference. The five-day conference, convened in London, was told lawyers in the UK and US should learn from each other’s mistakes when making plans for increased access to […]