
Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 19/09/95

JOHN FRANKLIN RICE, admitted 1978, practised in partnership with Breeze & Wyles Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, struck off and ordered to pay £4,524 costs. Allegations substantiated he wrongly drew and used client funds for purposes of other clients and himself and misappropriated client funds. Tribunal told investigation accountant’s report of December 1992 revealed serious misuse of client […]

Open letter to Martin Mears

I understand that the nominations for the forthcoming working party on entry into the profession are to be considered by the Law Society Council on 21 September 1995. In our previous correspondence, you [Martin Mears] have not committed yourself to a view on whether the Trainee Solicitors’ Group should have one or more representatives on […]


Most UK law firms have no male legal secretaries and the few men who are hired generally work for female partners. According to a legal recruitment executive at a major employment agency, only 2 per cent of the applications for legal secretaries come from men. “We only get one or two applications a year from […]

Group taps market for mediation skills

FOUR lawyers have set up a company to train legal practitioners in mediation work and to generate business after they qualify. Trainee barrister Robert Taylor has joined forces with US attorneys Bruce Hochstetler and George Pappas, and Bristol-based criminal barrister Nick Fridd. They have set up Dispute Mediation Limited to capitalise on the potential for […]

Who holds sway at the ECJ?

The number of suggestions to negotiators of next year’s Inter-Governmental conference (IGC) on the revision of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union (TEU) is increasing, and among them are strong calls for the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) powers to be curtailed. While all recognise its great contribution to the development of a mature and […]


TEXT The introduction of measures to combat sexual harassment at the Bar is to be welcomed. However, the battle has only just begun. The reaction of chambers to the Equality Code will determine how successful the proposals will be. There is still much scepticism from some of those involved in running chambers that such a […]

Leicester practice in first Bosnia stress case

A FIRM acting on behalf of a soldier suffering from stress because of his inability to help persecuted Bosnian citizens is calling for solicitors handling similar cases to get in touch. The appeal has been issued by Leicester firm Lawson-West, but it suspects it may have come across the first case of its kind. The […]

Sex equality talks

The Equal Opportunities Commission is holding a conference on sex discrimination and the role of European Community Law. The conference, to be held at Westminster’s One Great George Street Conference Centre on 25 September, is being run in association with the Law Society and sponsored by the European Commission. Speakers will provide up-to-date information on […]

In brief: CMH to clean up contamination issues

How to tackle effective management of food contamination incidents is the subject of a seminar being held by City firm Cameron Markby Hewitt. Kill or Cure? Managing product contamination in the food and drink industry, will be held on 6 October and is co-hosted by PR consultancy Hill & Knowlton. Guest speaker is Sheila Sackman, […]

Lukewarm response to financial services

A QUESTION mark hangs over the future of financial services as figures from the Law Society reveal that fewer firms than expected have taken up the gauntlet to carry out investment business. The society received 306 applications from firms looking to register for “qualified person” status in time for the deadline of 1 November when […]

Court reforms usher in first of the 'super committees'

NINE magistrates courts committees (MCCs) are set to become the first to amalgamate under the Lord Chancellor’s courts reforms. The Lord Chancellor’s Department has named the committees in the first draft of potential amalgamations, using its new powers to reduce the number of MCCs under the Police and Magistrates Courts Act 1994. But groups representing […]

Beyond the call of duty

While the legal profession develops and changes, there is an individual who is an important, yet frequently under-utilised resource. Legal secretaries have had to adapt rapidly to change over the past decade as a result of technology, national economics and working procedures. Although it is accepted that all lawyers will have to obtain some level […]