
Mears not impressed by reform plan

A RESOLUTION committing the Law Society to a closely timetabled reform programme has been described as “innocuous” by the president. The motion calling for recognition of the need for reform and a “timetabled programme to produce proposals” was approved unanimously by the Law Society council at its meeting on Thursday. A second resolution to establish […]

Are the ladies hemmed in?

Mary Heaney looks at a minor revolution as more women lawyers swap their skirts for trousers in the workplace Four months ago, City firm Linklaters & Paines found itself the subject of press attention when it changed its dress code allowing females to wear trousers. Until then, it was “generally-speaking, not appropriate for women to […]

An Impeteus for change

The papers for the Law Society Council meeting on 21 September include my paper What is wrong with the Law Society? What are we going to do about it? – backed up by two resolutions urging a programme of action. One resolution proposes a review of the way in which the society is organised with […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Andrew Rajan

Andrew Rajan has just stepped into the newly-created position of head of business and legal affairs at Planet 24, which makes the Big Breakfast. Born in Belfast in 1961, he now lives in London. What was your first job? Invoice clerk at the De Lorean Motor Company in Belfast. What was your first ever salary […]

Housing experts split watchdog work

WELSH firm Morgan Bruce and newly-formed specialist Arden Chambers are to share the contract to advise the ombudsman for gripes against housing associations. Teams of lawyers will advise and carry out research on the legal issues arising from the complaints. Both Morgan Bruce and Arden have strong reputations for housing and other public sector work, […]

Mears hits back over conveyancing fees

THE STRANGLEHOLD on conveyancing business currently enjoyed by estate agents must be broken, according to Law Society president Martin Mears and his deputy Robert Sayer. The campaign to reintroduce scale conveyancing fees spearheaded by Bournemouth solicitor John Edge now claims the support of more than 9,000 solicitors. Critics of the drive for higher fees claim […]

Northern lights

“The best barrister in the world” is how Derek Hatton described his counsel, the outgoing leader of the Northern Circuit Rodney Klevan QC. Frederick West was also due to be represented by him before he decided his own fate instead. Klevan is the latest in a long line of eminent criminal silks to have come […]

In brief: Law course taught by TV and tutorials

The College of Law’s new Professional Development Unit has produced its first combined programme/course package since linking with Legal Network Television earlier this year. The package, which includes a half-hour programme and a series of half-day courses, will discuss the implications of the abolition of privity of contract in new leases. Legislation on the issue […]

Sign up today for readers' club

TIRED of taking briefs? Suffering from litigation fatigue? Fancy a break from the cut and thrust of courtroom combat? Why not swap the hectic stream of legal paperwork for the gentle ebb and flow of waves lapping on a sun-drenched beach. The Lawyer is offering readers a superb discounted holiday in the Maldives for the […]

Firms wage war on LAB over Gulf work

THREE law firms at the forefront of a campaign to sue the Ministry of Defence over ‘Gulf War syndrome’ are planning to take the Legal Aid Board to court after losing their bid to lead the multi-party action. The row flared after a consortium, made up of Donn & Co, Leigh Day & Co and […]

Law Society red-faced over roll gaff

A DOZEN lawyers who were wrongly included in a list of non-practising solicitors about to be taken off the roll have received a full apology from the Law Society. In a series of apologies printed in the Law Society Gazette which run for more than half a page, the society expresses its regret for any […]

In brief: Urban renewal expert to Tyndallwoods

Urban regeneration law specialist Phil Shiner has quit his post at the Birkenhead Resource Unit to join Edgbaston firm Tyndallwoods. Shiner, who has a strong background in housing and planning issues, as well as working with the European Court of Justice, has joined the firm’s recently-established housing and community law department. Tyndallwoods marketing partner Judy […]