
Who says looks don't count?

Mark Barrowcliffe charts the progress of fashion for lawyers and discovers the de riguer dress code for the 90s Fashion consultant Ruth Davis takes two lawyers in hand to help polish up their professional image Mark Barrowcliffe charts the progress of fashion for lawyers and discovers the de riguer dress code for the 90s The […]


Huddersfield University was advised by Dibb Lupton Broomhead in a u16.5m development financing of a new campus of over 700 accommodation units. Financing came from a syndicate made up of Lloyds

Wansbroughs homes in on health work

Wansbroughs Willey Hargrave is opening two new offices as part of a strategy to tap into the burgeoning health market. The firm is set to take over the Sheffield office of Oxley & Coward having recently taken on nine lawyers from Wessex Legal Services in Winchester. Five partners, 19 solicitors and a further 27 support […]

In brief: Touche Ross offers host of workshops

Partnership taxation, employee benefits, marketing and IT systems are three of the topics to be covered in a new series of workshops for law firms being run by accountants Touche Ross. Two workshops a month led by tax partner Joe Swift will be held from 11 January in London and Liverpool. They are free of […]

Law Soc defends confidentiality

Law firms no longer face the onerous task under money laundering rules of providing banks with proof of identity of clients for whom they hold money in client and trust accounts. This important concessionwas won by the Law Society in talks last week with the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), over what has been a growing […]

In brief: Booth & Co seminar flies flag for Leeds

Leeds firm Booth & Co has joined forces with the Leeds Development Agency to mount a seminar on the future of the Leeds economy on 16 January. Chairman of the seminar, Booths joint senior partner Maurice Cowen, says: “Leeds can act as a model by marrying the future employment needs of an expanding finanical and […]

Addison makes exit from CPS

Neil Addison, the Bar Council member and Crown Prosecutor who was controversially suspended last November after writing newspaper articles without his employer’s consent, has left the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) with a settlement in hand. But issues raised by the suspension continue to worry barristers and a call to terminate the Director of Public Prosecution’s […]

Mackay sides with fundholding

The current legal aid system will face its most serious challenge yet when, this week, the Lord Chancellor hints at his support for the “fundholders for justice” proposals. Lord Mackay will hail the demise of the demand-led legal aid fund at a seminar on access to justice staged by the Social Market Foundation (SMF). Andrew […]

Nabarros helps seal coal deals

Nabarro Nathanson’s Niall Logan helped create industrial history in what is believed to be British Coal’s biggest single legal transaction. The property partner took part in a marathon five-hour signing and sealing of hundreds of documents transferring mining rights to the private sector. Each document had to be stamped up to 10 times with the […]

Research confirms Oxbridge bias in High Court

EIGHTY-TWO per cent of judges appointed to the High Court during the past two years were Oxbridge graduates and all attended private fee-paying schools, according to newly-released Labour Party research. Published by Stephen Byers, chair of the party’s Home Affairs Committee, the study says that of the 26 appointments made during 1993 and 1994, only […]

In brief: Shoosmiths advises clients on the piste

Reading-based Shoosmiths & Harrison is setting up a Ski Line to follow on from the Holiday Hotline which ran this summer. “We already have potential claims against tour operators and ski resorts despite the fact the skiing season is only a few weeks old,” head of the personal injury department Paul Paxton says. As with […]

Halliwells banking arm greets McDaid

Manchester firm Halliwell Landau has strengthened its banking service by taking on Ray McDaid from Nabarro Nathanson. McDaid, who joins as a partner, was a founder member of Nabarro’s banking department. “I regard it as a major coup for the firm that he has decided to join us,” says senior partner Clive Garston. McDaid previously […]