

Lloyd’s corporate capital vehicle Kiln Capital was advised by Clyde & Co in connection with its u25m Stock Exchange listing

Police paperwork cuts planned planned

Cutting red tape in the criminal justice system is the aim of a Home Office initiative, with particular attention paid to reducing administrative burdens on the police. An ‘efficiency scrutiny’ team of police officers, lawyers, and civil servants from the Home Office, Lord Chancellor’s Department, and Crown Prosecution Service is being formed to carry out […]


Defence cuts have seen the army legal team cut in size but it continues to bear up well to the squeeze. Army Legal Services (ALS) now has 53 lawyers. Before Options for Change – the services’ fundamental review – swung into action, the number was 58. But the aim of the cuts is to shave […]

TKB woos Nabarros

City firm Turner Kenneth Brown is in merger talks with Nabarro Nathanson. If successful, the union would ensure Nabarros’ position as a top ten law firm by adding TKB’s 34 partners to Nabarros’ 100-plus. Both firms are cautious about discussing their courtship, however, following the collapse of TKB’s talks with Alsop Wilkinson last summer. Jeffrey […]

Change due for small claims court

A report on small claims courts by Consumers’ Association magazine Which? has met with a cautious welcome from the Law Society. But the report’s most important recommendation, to increase the limit on the value of cases from u1,000 to u5,000, will be controversial. Suzanne Burn, secretary of the Law Society’s Civil Litigation Committee, says any […]


Eurovein was advised by Shoosmiths & Harrison on its u23m flotation

Firms challenge LAB choice

Four law firms are applying for a judicial review of the Legal Aid Board (LAB) following a wrangle over who should co-ordinate a multi-party action. The four firms, which have formed a steering committee for vibration white finger (VWF) claims against British Coal, are challenging the board’s decision to grant generic legal aid work to […]


* Hypobank was advised by Herbert Smith in connection with the issue of ILire 200bn (u78m) 11.10 per cent Euro-medium term notes due 1996.

In brief: Eversheds appoints planning head

National firm Eversheds has appointed Paul Winter as head of its planning sector, in addition to his role as head of planning at Eversheds Hepworth & Chadwick in Leeds, where he previously ran the property department. He is replaced as head of property in Leeds by Andrew Latchmore, who continues as head of commercial property […]

Tuition kicks off National Law Week

STUDENTS in up to 2,000 schools across the UK are set to receive legal tuition from members of the profession as part of National Law Week. Senior pupils will have the opportunity to take a lesson from lawyers in schools throughout the country through the Young Solicitors’ Group’s Outlaw programme. YSG chair Andy Unger says […]

Law Society takes show on the road

The Law Society this week launches its programme of roadshows to improve links between the leadership and the membership. Society President Charles Elly, director of the Solicitors Complaints Bureau Veronica Lowe and head of the legal practice directorate Andrew Lockley will be among the team of top officials meeting members in Exeter. “We are not […]


Regardless of what any man may tell you, to have what you wear looked at critically by anyone is an unpleasant experience. To have your clothes evaluated by a fashion expert is terrifying. These fears, however, proved unfounded when I met Ruth Davis of the Fashion Advisory Service, whose brief was to look me over […]