
Tories under fire over divorce plans

THE GOVERNMENT has moved to quell fears among family lawyers over the availability of legal aid for parting couples under the divorce White Paper reforms. Alastair Burt, Social Security Minister, gave reassurances after the document came under fire during the Law Society fringe meeting at the Tory conference in Blackpool last week. He said legal […]

Not eye to eye on SCB

I would like to comment on the claim in your story ‘Mears cites Barnes over SCB dispute’ (The Lawyer 3 October) that I am supporting the president of the Law Society in his efforts to bring the Solicitors Complaints Bureau “in-house”. While it is true that we both agree that the Law Society should take […]

OJ – what price for UK law?

If US justice has indeed been on trial in the OJ Simpson case, most observers will feel that, unlike the defendant, it has been resoundingly convicted. And if that is right, is UK justice merely on remand, awaiting the same fate? It is surely dangerous to be too categoric of vicious circles. The media coverage […]

One Step too far

Martin Mears is probably entitled to feel sore following September’s Law Society Council meeting. After wining and dining selected Council members who promised to support his veto of the pay-off to Solicitors Complaints Bureau head Veronica Lowe if the item was moved into the private afternoon section, the council let him down. As vice-president Robert […]


McGrigor Donald acted for Meconic, an Edinburgh-based specialist manufacturer of controlled drugs, in its flotation by way of a placing on the London Stock Exchange. The placing raising £10 million for Meconic and just under £9 million for selling shareholders. Freshfields advised sponsor Baring Brothers.

Lawyers get advice on fund managers

The Financial Law Panel (FLP) has published its advice for City lawyers on the technical problems arising from the agency status of fund managers which affects managers’ dealings in the wholesale financial markets. Its paper, Practice recommendation on fund management and market transactions, suggests draft wording for dealing with the most difficult legal issues. It […]


Baker & McKenzie advised PaineWebber International, the lead underwriter of an offering of global depository shares, by Slovakian oil refiner Slovnaft. The offering raised $112 million for Slovnaft and was offered in the US under SEC Rule 144A.

Stockbrokers fear advance of lawyers

Provincial stockbrokers are worried about solicitors becoming investment managers, according to Wilsons’ head of Investment and Financial Services Mark Allerston. Allerston said that stockbrokers relied heavily on solicitors as a source of new business. A a recent survey put them way ahead of all other third-party sources of new business – they were ranked first […]

Demand grows for law firms' financial advice

Solicitors have shied away from providing financial services due to lack of vision, a leading figure in the financial services industry said recently. Karl Snowden, professionals’ development director at Allied Dunbar, said there were very few exceptions to the rule that the provision of discrete investment business advice could be “a perfect and valuable addition […]

Furore over Which? survey

THE CONSUMERS’ Association has threatened to sue the Law Society over its attempts to discredit a damning Which? survey into the quality and cost of legal advice. But the association is already being sued for libel by Shoosmiths & Harrison over claims in the survey that the firm had failed to warn a researcher of […]

Conference reveals fears over funding of reformsSBHD:

Government officials attending the Bar Council’s conference were left in no doubt about lawyers’ fears over government commitment to funding Lord Woolf’s civil justice reforms. And barristers were told in clear terms they must develop their relationship with solicitors and face calls for dropping the refresher fee system in favour of more fixed fees. Top […]

Democracy rules

The management of a barristers’ chambers goes beyond simply keeping the diaries, negotiating and collecting fees, and drumming up new business. At Barnards Inn Chambers, we have put in place formal structures and strategies to deal with client care, marketing, recruitment, accommodation, accounts and budgeting, and personnel. All members of the set meet monthly with […]