
In brief: Group advises on 'jobs for the girls'

The Young Women Lawyers group will be holding a ‘job opportunities’ evening on 19 October at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London. The evening is aimed at students and applicants for traineeships or pupillages, as well as the newly qualified and unemployed. Advice and information will be on offer from partners in City and high […]

QBD actions this month

Imminent jury actions in the Queen’s Bench Division for hearing this month include: Ratner v Chief Constable of Lancashire (23 October); Bar-Hillel v Tomison (not before 23 October); Spencer v Express Newspapers plc (not before 23 October); Alpin v Blott (not before 23 October).

Mears is not representative of the profession

“The public shouldn’t get the idea that an odd fish called Martin Mears is in any way representative of the profession.” A summer away from Law Society politics appears to have had an invigorating effect on Henry Hodge. After the self-imposed purdah out of the political limelight since his defeat at the polls he has […]

Sports group scores a hit with lawyers

A FIRM of Scandinavian lawyers is among more than 40 practices interested in joining a new network for sports law practitioners. Ole Borch, of Berning Schluter Hald, contacted the organiser after reading about the embryonic group in The Lawyer. Borch, whose firm has offices in Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki, chairs a government committee set up […]

In brief: Instant guide to Irish litigation

A new guide for UK lawyers on litigation in Ireland was launched in London by the Irish Minister for Justice, Mrs Nora Owen TD. The guide, Litigation in Ireland – A Comparative Guide for Lawyers in England and Wales, was produced by Irish firm McCann Fitzgerald, to provide lawyers already accustomed to the civil procedure […]

Sullivans launches press leak inquiry

HIGH-FLYING US litigator Steven Holley is the subject of an internal investigation at his firm Sullivan & Cromwell after he handed over sealed court papers to a reporter. Holley, a partner with the prestigious New York firm, last month provided Business Week legal editor Linda Himelstein with documents relating to Sullivan’s client, Bankers Trust. The […]

In brief: Question over TSG role in working parties

Details of the three presidential working parties to tackle conveyancing, communication and training are yet to be released. Lists of the candidates were presented to the Law Society Council on 21 September, but president Martin Mears said some members still had to be contacted to confirm their willingness to take part. He denied the delay […]

In brief: Durnford Ford trial

Last week we wrongly stated that William Digby Bew of collapsed firm Durnford Ford was accused with Graham Durnford Ford of stealing £8.5 million from clients and faced one count of theft. We wish to point out that there has never been any suggestion that Bew stole money from clients. He faces four counts of […]

Hodge to fight 'maverick' Mears

DEFEATED presidential candidate Henry Hodge has declared open war on Martin Mears revealing the existence of a caucus of Law Society Council members actively organising to oppose him. In a defiant response to Mears’ solicitors’ conference call for his supporters to challenge sitting council members at the next elections, Hodge has accused the president of […]

In brief: LAB accused of 'running legal aid agenda'

The Legal Aid Board has been accused of overstepping its role and setting the pace for legal aid reform by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group. An editorial of the group’s journal Legal Aid News claims to have identified “worrying trends” suggesting the board rather than the Lord Chancellor’s Department is “running the legal aid agenda”. […]


General: There are about 130 lawyers practising on the Cayman Islands and 25 law firms all of which practice local law. Ten of the firms have offshore practices, with five of these being mainly offshore practices; the remaining 15 have a mixed practice, which includes exclusively local practice in areas such as litigation and conveyancing. […]

Human rights/prisons. A job to die for

Human rights defenders are fighting on the frontline to realise the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights ideal that all people should be free from “fear and want”. They can be lawyers, journalists, peasant leaders, trade unionists, students, relatives of victims or anyone who denounces and investigates persecution and oppression. They take action […]