
Client survey finds support for Woolf

COMMERCIAL court users have backed the bulk of Lord Woolf’s proposals for civil justice reform but argued against plans to force parties to disclose their instructions to experts. A survey of 35 Simmons & Simmons’ clients and contacts, including banks, insurance companies, financial institutions and corporations, showed there was support in principle for most proposals. […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 17/10/95

RICHARD JOHN WAKEFIELD, 43, admitted 1979, practised as Richard Wakefield & Co, Shoreham, West Sussex, struck off and ordered to pay £1,289 costs. Allegations substantiated he dishonestly and improperly used client money for his own purposes or those of other clients, breached accounting rules by wrongly drawing client money, wrongly allowed cheques to be signed […]


Beale & Co advised Indorama International Finance on its issue of 1.75 per cent Convertible Notes 1995-2000 of 40 million Swiss Francs convertible into shares of PT Indorama Synthetics

Litigation Recent Decisions 17/10/95

Taxation on damages awarded to Lloyd’s Names Deeny v Gooda Walker (1995). CA (Simon Brown LJ, Peter Gibson LJ and Saville LJ) 5/10/95. Summary: Whether damages awarded to Lloyd’s Names for losses to underwriting business are subject to income tax. Appeal by defendant managing agents against ruling that the £300 million damages awarded to Lloyd’s […]

Litigation Writs 17/10/95

Ships engineer, Pietre Sannister, 49, of Hadleigh, Benfleet, Essex, is suing James Fisher and Sons, of Barrow-in-Furness, over back injuries he claims he received after an engine room fire in 1992. He claims he now has to wear a corset, take medication, is extremely restricted in activities and suffers from degenerative lumbar spondylosis as a […]

Event pushes cash for management review

John Malpas reports CHAMBERS are being alerted to the availability of funding to help them bring management systems up to date. News of the funding was broken to the Chambers in Crisis workshop at the Bar Council’s recent conference. Nobody in the audience appeared aware of the cash available from training and enterprise councils (Tecs), […]

Court IT. In the running for the legal system

Powerful, billion-dollar multi-national corporations will have intimate involvement in civil and criminal court information systems for the first time next year, raising serious questions that the legal profession is so far failing to ask. Right now, five foreign-based companies are tendering for the £50-70 million contract to run the UK’s court computer systems via “outsourcing”. […]

Annual IT awards

Helen Sage reports The Society for Computers and Law is holding its annual awards for law firms which develop innovative applications for IT. The award is a chance to air uses of IT in law firms to the rest of the profession and its IT advisers. John Irving, of BDO Stoy Hayward and this year’s […]

Doctor in the set

John Malpas reports A former doctor has made the transition to the Bar to join Devereux Chambers as a tenant. Dr Dijen Basu, who has just completed his pupillage at the set, is currently doing employment, personal injury and commercial work but hopes his medical background will help him to specialise successfully in medical negligence […]

Put quality before price

Compared to buying a house, taking out a pension or entering the National Lottery, making a will ranks a poor last on the list of priorities for most people. More than half the population has not made a will and will therefore die intestate. Their property will be administered under the so-called intestacy rules which […]

Kevin Perry advises reading Appeal Court procedures in detail. BYLN:

Kevin Perry is national head of litigation at Pinsent Curtis. Since the mid-to-late 1980s efforts have been made to refine the mechanics of the appeal process to produce a streamlined and efficient system for clients, practitioners and the judiciary. While the refinements that have been made have led to greater efficiency within the Appeal Court […]

Court IT. In the running for the legal system

EDS Subsidiary of General Motors based in Plano, Texas. Worldwide turnover of $10.05 billion in 1994. Operations in 40 countries, with 80,000 employees. Offices in 20 European countries, with 16,000 staff. In 1994, increased European turnover by 29 per cent to $1.8 billion. Market leader in IT outsourcing. Relevant experience Has IT outsourcing contracts with […]