
Bidding begins for Inn's communications system

Helen Sage reports British Telecom, Mercury and Colt Telecom will all be bidding for the Lincoln’s Inn telecommunications project in the next few weeks. The first stage of the project, which involved the installation of two kilometres of ducting for the fibre optic cables was carried out during August and September and cost nearly £10,000. […]

Document scanning goes live

Helen Sage reports A new document scanning service that lets users instantly retrieve live and archive material from their PC or network is launched this month by Data Scanning Services. It is the first scanning service to become available in the UK that combines a new generation optical character recognition (OCR) system with the latest […]

Democracy must prevail

In calling for a five-year executive presidency for the Law Society, Richard Bagley (The Lawyer 10 October), misses the essential point that the post is (and indeed Mr Mears was) democratically elected. The Secretary General carries out policy, the president is crucial to its formulation. The two roles are quite distinct. If the Law Society […]

Where entry is severely limited

Obtaining a Higher Courts Qualification Certificate has been made akin to scaling the north face of the Eiger. That is quite deliberate despite the fact that the undoubted wish of Parliament was to ensure that solicitors appeared in criminal and civil higher courts. The Higher Courts Qualification Regulations of 1992 are a masterpiece of ambiguity […]

IBA guides ready soon

In ‘Where’s the IBA voice’ (Letters, The Lawyer, 17 October) your correspondent questions the stand being taken by the International Bar Association on the problem of foreign lawyers establishing offices overseas. The IBA, through its 164-member Bar Associations and Law Societies, is most actively addressing the difficult question of foreign legal consultants, and has drafted […]


Lawrence Graham advised transport investment company The Hansom Group on its flotation on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). The Brough Skerret Law Partnership advised nominated adviser

Making your name

Law firms are relatively new to the world of commercial sponsorship, but it certainly has a significant role in their marketing and promotional activities. Frequently sponsorship is confused with patronage. The two are not the same. Sponsorship offers some form of commercial benefit to all the parties concerned. As law firms, especially larger ones, continue […]

Brilliant Brochures

A brochure should be seen not as a means of presenting credentials but rather as an opportunity to express the philosophy and personality of a firm. Most brochures are modern, stylish and struggle hard to look interesting. Some use a mixture of styles to provide interest but lack coherence. Some use illustration, currently in vogue […]

Gary Hickinbottom analyses case management proposals. BYLN:

Gary Hickinbottom is a partner at McKenna & Co. The Law Society’s report, Group Actions Made Easier, was published last week. It confirms as optimal the approach developed by our courts in treating multi-party action claims as individual actions but subject to case management techniques under an assigned judge taking a pro-active and firm stance. […]

Sharpen up your Image

Barry Semark gives advice on how to make your corporate literature aesthetically appealing Lawyers, like most professionals, probably do not consider themselves dull, boring and grey, but take a look at their corporate literature and that is the image that many are presenting to their clients, peers and potential employees. Few brochures project the profession […]

Professional help

For the most part, UK law firms with more than 25 partners will either have already taken the decision to hire professional help to assist with their marketing, or have it on the agenda. But firms sometimes bring professional marketing expertise on board without having first worked out what they want. Unless the firm has […]

Bar Council clears libel lawyer of misconduct

John Malpas reports A LEADING libel lawyer has been cleared by the Bar Council following a plaintiff’s charge that he pursued an unmeritorious action against him to earn a fee. The Bar Council’s professional conduct committee dismissed the complaint against James Price QC after deciding that there was no evidence of professional misconduct over his […]