
Law Lords pension probe

*The Law Lords are to probe the legal costs position relating to those who sue pension scheme trustees for breach of trust. They have granted leave for an appeal against High and Appeal Court rulings that in a breach of trust action against pension trustees those suing are entitled, pre-emptively, to an order that their […]

Women get their say

*The Bar’s women’s group has been invited to give oral evidence to Parliament on the judicial appointments system. The Association of Women Barristers says it is delighted at the invitation by the Home Affairs Committee to send two representatives to appear before its inquiry into judicial appointments on 21 June. The first public evidence session […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 11/04/95

Fair selection process for redundancies British Aerospace v Green & Ors (1995). (CA (Stuart Smith LJ, Waite LJ, Millett LJ) Summary: Disclosure of assessments made on retained employees in a redundancy selection irrelevant in redundant employees’ claims for unfair dismissal. Claim by 235 employees that their selection for redundancy was unfair where the claimants had […]

Marketing Communications for Solicitors – a practical guide to promoting your firm

Company directors should be allowed approved share options of up to £100,000 more than three times the current maximum according to Michael Jacobs, a tax partner at Nicholson Graham & Jones. Jacobs’ recommendation comes in a report on “rewarding leadership” in smaller quoted companies issued last week by the lobbying group Cisco. Jacobs was the […]

Case dates are set

*The following jury cases are listed to be heard in the High Court Queens Bench Division in April: Chohan v The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford (not before April 25); Kilduff v Stott and another (not before April 25).

Litigation Writs 11/04/95

Delivery driver Simon Wheatley, 42, of Winslow, Buckinghamshire, who received severe injuries when a sheet of glass fell on him is suing his employers Merlin Distribution, of Westbury, Wiltshire. The accident happened as he was delivering a glass conservatory in Doncaster last March. Ten eight foot by five foot sheets of glass fell on him […]

Andrew Paton speaks out in favour of ADR

On 24 January the Lord Chief Justice and the Vice Chancellor handed down a practice direction “Case management in civil litigation” applying to all lists in the Queen’s Bench and Chancery Divisions. To anyone who has run a recent case in the Commercial Court the direction’s terms will be familiar. The first nine paragraphs are […]


Arista accounts deal

* West End-based firm Hamlin Slowe is set to purchase an Arista accounts system in a u150,000 deal.

Welsh football judgement*

*Judgment is now pending in a case in which three Welsh football clubs are taking on the Welsh Football Association claiming that a ban on them playing on their home grounds because they joined English leagues is a restraint of trade.

Livestock transport challenge

*An early judgement is expected in the High Court challenge to bans on transport of livestock through UK ports and airports. The latest round of cases, expected to lead to a ruling with wide implications, has centred on livestock traffic through Dover and Plymouth.

Medical Negligence Litigation – A Practitioner's Guide

A budding lawyer with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) who was laid off by Wilde Sapte while in hospital, has accused the firm of discrimination. In one of the first cases of its kind to reach an industrial tribunal, Rubina Cassell is bringing a claim against the firm under the new Disability Discrimination Act. Stratford Industrial Tribunal […]

BT summariser may lighten workload

HARD-PRESSED lawyers could soon benefit from a computer program which automatically summarises texts. The software, developed by BT Laboratories, includes an Information Agent which searches texts stored on a computer and selects those of most interest to the operator, sorting them in what it ‘thinks’ will be the order of priority to the reader. The […]