
No such thing as a sure-fire win

The legal department at Derbyshire County Council was caught out by the national media furore which declared the centuries-old tradition of displaying goods outside a greengrocers illegal. The department thought its magistrates court action against Ilkeston greengrocer Brian Godfrey, after he ignored a request to stop displaying his stock on the pavement, was a routine […]

Simon Stokes reviews the major case law involving all things IT

Simon Stokes is a solicitor in the media & technology group at Manches & Co. To the non-specialist the subject of computer law may appear unrewarding: a world of source codes, functionality, fourth generation languages and other impenetrable jargon. In fact it is a field where various legal disciplines merge: data protection, intellectual property law, […]

Mears starts political era

Martin Mears has heralded a new era of party politics on the Law Society Council with the unveiling of his own party. The president has set up a President’s Reform Group which will meet before council meetings and vote en bloc. He said nine council members had agreed to join the group including David Keating, […]

Vietnam/Judicial Appts. Suffering from 'institutional schizophrenia'

Amid much activity, Lord Mackay is making a number of changes to diversify the judiciary. Judicial appointments are now advertised in the press and all candidates will be screened by a panel which will include lay interviewers. “He wants to reach out to a wider category of person than had considered the judiciary in the […]

EOC calls for clarity

The Equal Opportunities Commission has called for urgent clarification of the relationship between EU law and domestic law in relation to discrimination cases. Speaking at a recent employment law conference organised by Birmingham firm Pinsent Curtis, EOC legal adviser Alan Lakin said it was vital to clarify issues of retrospection and time limits for cases. […]

Litigation Personal Injury 28/11/95

Gibbons v Redmond – QBD 8 November 1995 Claimant: John Gibbons, 49 Accident: Builder injured at work Injuries: Multiple injuries, most serious in region of right ankle; considerable pain and discomfort along with swelling since accident; serious fracture across tibia and compression of lower tibial articular surface so that ankle joint is disrupted; fractures likely […]

Litigation Writs 28/11/95

A visitor to a London public house who broke his ankle when he fell through an open cellar door on his way out is suing for damages. Paul Simpson, 38, of London N1, has issued a writ claiming damages against licensees Richard Pitt-Kennedy of the Salmon and Compasses pub, in Penton Street, London N1, and […]

IT specialist strengthens firm's links in Sweden

THE SWEDISH Chamber of Commerce’s first law firm member Reynolds Porter Chamberlain has strengthened its Scandinavian connections by appointing computer law specialist Jan Anderberg. Anderberg, who resigned as legal counsel to Swedish company Asea Brown Boveri AB, started work as a consultant in Reynolds Porter’s corporate department earlier this month. “We’ve been members of the […]

Shipping expert gets captain's job

DAVID Slade, head of shipping at City firm Stephenson Harwood, will take over as senior partner when Anthony Isaacs retires in May next year. Slade has been with the shipping department since its creation 10 years ago, helping to establish it as one of the major international shipping law practices. He was responsible for strengthening […]

West lawyer plans appeal

The solicitor of convicted murderer Rosemary West says he is appealing against the conviction and has “sympathetic” support outside his defence team. Leo Goatley, the Gloucester sole practitioner who has represented West since 1992, is looking at an appeal on grounds relating to disclosure, the judge’s summing up and “selective” evidence. He says the defence […]

Lawyers reach free trade solution

EUROPE’S lawyers have finally broken the deadlock over rights of establishment, producing an eleventh-hour agreement which could see member state practitioners moving freely among union countries. But the plan, which last week went to the European Parliament’s legal affairs committee, is yet to receive a rubber stamp with MEPs holding off on their final report […]