
Consenting to the scalpel

Roger Pearson A RECENT out-of-court settlement, rumoured to be five figures, has prompted renewed calls from pressure groups for the law regarding medical treatment to be tightened up. Frances Henton went into hospital for the removal of an ovarian cyst and came to after the operation to find she had undergone an abdominal hysterectomy to […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 12/09/95

Extending time for solicitor’s client’s account challenge Re a solicitor (1995). Ch.D (Robert Walker J) 31/7/95. Summary: No power to extend time for challenging prohibition notice issued by the council of the Law Society vesting a solicitor’s client’s funds in the society. Solicitor’s application for an extension of the eight-day period within which to issue […]

Bar takes up gauntlet of Woolf reforms

CIVIL reformer Lord Woolf gets top billing at this year’s Bar Council conference and will lead an open forum on “effective justice”. Woolf, who will reveal his second set of conclusions on reforms to the civil justice system next year, will also give the keynote address at the 30 September event. A Bar spokesman said […]

What's on

With around 2,000 lawyers from 100 countries attending the IBA’s Section on Business Law conference in Paris this month, the organisers have put together a diverse programme. The conference will be opened by Robert Badinter, president du Conseil Constitutionnel, and followed by a plenary session on cross cultural co-operation and communication. The Channel Tunnel project […]

Revolution by the back door

There cannot be many people who have not heard about Windows 95 and how it is going to revolutionise the world. Yet another revolution has taken place this year and has gone unnoticed. An unprecedented number of lawyers have installed electronic document-based litigation systems. Firms such as Reynolds Porter Chamberlain, Martineau Johnson, Norton Rose and […]

In brief: Top job open for review commission

Advertising has begun for the post of chair for the Criminal Cases Review Commission, the new body set up by the Government to consider alleged miscarriages of justice. The commission will take over the functions of the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, investigating possible miscarriages in criminal cases and referring […]

Forget Wimbledon and Henley.

Mick Kavanagh finds the driving seat of a Chieftain tank is popular with clients. Sue Churchill is a freelance journalist and a partner in business consultants Churchill Associates, Devon.If wining and dining doesn’t appeal to clients, Sue Churchill thinks hosting a topical seminar could bring in new business. As customer loyalty slips away, solicitors are […]

Planning rules lack 'teeth', says report

PLANNING lawyers have called for an overhaul of large and medium-sized planning inquiries in an effort to speed up the process. In a report to the Department of Environment, the planning and environmental law sub-committee of the City of London Law Society said the current procedures lacked “teeth” to deal with those who disregarded the […]

Legal unity talks

The British Council and the British Italian Law Association will hold a conference on the internationalisation of European Union law in Bologna this week. The conference, to be held from 30 November to 2 December, will examine the legal harmonisation process and discover whether a “two speed” Europe is in the best interests of the […]

Seminars at a glance

Before Identify the target market from prospects and clients; Match your seminar topic to the client’s needs; Invest in a good guest speaker; Run it as a joint venture with other professionals; Double-check the venue and timing; Use a range of promotional tools; Try and persuade a local newspaper to sponsor the event; Monitor response […]

Dewey Ballantine poaches rival head for Prague office

THEODORE Goddard US associate Dewey Ballantine has poached the head of a rival firm’s practice and signed him as partner in charge of its Prague office. Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom’s Marc Packer, who worked as European counsel in Prague for three years, moves over on 1 December. He becomes managing partner of the […]

Norton Rose seeks inheritance reform

CITY FIRM Norton Rose is campaigning for a client who is in dispute with the Inland Revenue over an arrangement to reduce inheritance tax. The firm made the arrangement in 1989 for the freehold of Lady Ingram’s property to be transferred to her children before she died, but for her to remain in the house […]