
Breachers 'family' to go separate ways

LONDON firm Brecher & Co is to lose three of its four Brecher family members and a handful of senior lawyers in a shake-out prior to its expected October merger with City firm Nicholson Graham & Jones. Meetings of the Brecher partners last week discussed those who are to stay with the merger and those […]

Thug waged grudge war on solicitor

A SOLICITOR received threatening letters and telephone calls and had his car and home vandalised during a two-year hate campaign by a man with a mystery grudge. Richard Thornton, a partner with Leamington firm Blythe Liggins, received a stream of hate mail. The persecutor also daubed Thornton’s house in Warwick and his car with anti-semitic […]

IT's no panacea

The Woolf Report contains much common sense. It rightly castigates the legal profession for its handling of disputes and identifies the outrageous cost of litigation as a serious problem. But it then proposes increased use of technology coupled with judicial case management as routes to improvement. This is wrong. When I started out as a […]

In brief: Wilde Sapte hosts seminar with US firm

Wilde Sapte is hosting two joint seminars with the British-American Chamber of Commerce and leading US law firm Epstein Becker & Green. The first seminar will be in Wilde Sapte’s London offices on the 18 September, the second in New York on 11 October. Issues to be discussed at the first seminar are jury trials, […]

Firm 'hives off' financial arm

London firm Kidd Rapinet has hived off its financial services division to set up a new company, Lewis Chambers. Kidd Rapinet senior partner Andrew Lewis said the firm took the step because of Law Society over-regulation. “The financial services industry is so over-regulated… it becomes impossible to perform a proper service to the client,” he […]

New York firms mastermind Chase Manhattan merger

Four top US corporate firms based in New York drove the legal work behind the merger of US banks Chemical Banking Corporation and the Chase Manhattan Corporation. The new institution, adopting the Chase name, will be the largest bank in the US, with nearly $300 billion in assets and $20 billion in shareholders’ equity. Chase […]

Carol Searle and Kathy Jarvis

The most recent development in South African law is the introduction of its constitution. Other important developments include the exchange control developments to protect the country’s foreign exchange reserves. In March 1995, the dual currency system was abolished to allow funds held in “non-resident’ accounts to be freely transferable. The constitution came into force in […]

Litigation Writs 12/09/95

Wakefield City Council has issued a High Court writ against Gordon Eccles, of Kinsley, Wakefield in a bid to ban him from holding markets within six miles of markets run by the City Council at Hems-worth and South Elmsall. Writ issued by Sharpe Pritchard, agents for the City Council. CH 4182. A 74-year-old Solihull man […]

Litigation Personal Injury 12/09/95

Thorley v Lewis – QBD 12 June 199Claimant: Peter Thorley, 38, fireman – suing on behalf of himself. Accident: Fire engine in which he was travelling crashed on way to hoax emergency call on 9 July 1990. Driver killed. Injuries: Severe leg injuries which have left him unable to crouch or bend knees properly and […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 12/09/95

ROGER TYRONE SINCLAIR, 43, admitted 1976, practised as Sinclairs, Canterbury, Kent, struck off. Allegations substantiated that he failed to maintain properly written books, wrongly withdrew client money, failed to pay client funds into a client account, used funds belonging to the Legal Aid Board for his own purposes and gave false and misleading information to […]

Graduates steer Compas course for training places

John Malpas CHAMBERS A NEW pupillage clearing house scheme which started interviews this week has attracted a massive 650 applications. Compas was set up earlier this year by a group of 12 common law sets who were fed up with the current free-for-all pupillage selection system. The scheme is spearheaded by Robert Nelson QC’s 1 […]


Rechem Incinerator

Muna Dandan The recent case of Graham & Graham v Rechem International (believed to have been the longest civil trial in English history), centred on whether the problems suffered by the Grahams’ dairy herd had been caused by a toxin allegedly emitted from the Rechem incinerator in Scotland. More than 80 witnesses of fact were […]