
Tenancy battle ends

The battle over the tenancy status of market operators at Wallasey Market Hall has ended in victory for landlord P&O Property Holdings. The Lords held that market operator Graysim Holdings, one of the UK’s oldest private market operators, is not a protected tenant of the hall. It accepted P&O’s claims that traders occupied the stalls […]

Fighting over the name game

Most litigation involves navigating turbulent waters. But those waters are seldom more turbulent than in a current ‘what’s-in-a-name’ battle which promises to establish precedents in trademark law. When the case recently reached court and an interlocutory judgment was given for a pending High Court battle between two leading opinion poll organisations, Mr Justice Robert Walker […]

The Spectator hit by libel writ

Eminent consultant microbiologist Professor David Reeves, medical director of Southmead Health Service NHS Trust and honorary professor at the University of Bristol, is fighting The Spectator, claiming it libelled him in July. The article headed “Now then, what seems to be the trouble? Alasdair Palmer reveals how the medical profession is often better looking after […]

Quill makes mark in the North West

Helen Sage reports Quill Computer Systems, which supplies legal technology, has come 44th in a league table of the top performing private limited companies based in the North West. The research was conducted by Newsco Publications on behalf of Entrepreneur magazine. The criteria used in compiling the table was based on figures from audited accounts. […]

Litigation Writs 12/12/95

Home Secretary Michael Howard, Keith Vaz, Labour MP for Leicestershire East and Rupert Allason, Conservative MP for Torbay are heading for High Court libel showdowns. Howard is suing The Guardian over a story on 11 November headed “Fayed blames Howard as LBC radio deal fails”. Vaz is suing The Sun over a story on 27 […]

Bevan Ashford picks MDI for network

Helen Sage reports Bevan Ashford has selected SCSI-Express software and CD-ROM drives from Micro Design International to supply partners with electronically stored reference material on its Novell 4.1 NetWare system. The system, located in the firm’s Bristol office, already serves 30 lawyers as well as researchers in Bristol. Researchers in London are supported using a […]

Homing in on the Web

Helen Sage reports International law firm Allen & Overy launched its own World Wide Web ‘home page’ on the Internet last week. Clients will be able to access information on legal services, current events and Allen & Overy publications. To complement the new service, the firm is producing a booklet for clients, called New Methods […]

Top of the books

Best legal book of 1995: Project Finance: a legal guide, Graham Vinter, Sweet & Maxwell, £6 Few books address the legal dimensions of project financing and this admirably fills the gap. Concise and well structured, it explains technical terms and acronyms as well as the law. Best book of 1995: The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Andrade and […]

Domino Run

If you enjoy John Grisham and Scott Turow you will enjoy Andrew Iyer’s first novel, Domino Run. Iyer, a City solicitor with a practice in international trade and shipping law, has written a thriller set in Europe after the dismantling of the East’s Communist regimes. The hero, David Bowstead, is a senior litigation assistant in […]

Tales from the scripts

Behind every legal screenplay lies a legal eagle who attempts to mould artistic creativity into legal dictum. And out there in the audience lurks a gaggle of beady-eyed lawyers waiting to pounce on any errors which slip through the net. Kavanagh QC proved such a case. The highly acclaimed series had one little legal error […]

Immigration – Employment & Business Practice

Laura Devine’s new book, Immigration Employment & Business Practice, is handsomely published with a clear, if not innovative, layout. This slim work could function as an aide-memoire to assist when that unexpected telephone call comes. But other comparable texts are of a manageable size and offer more. For example, the JCWI Handbook covers the EU […]

Reinsurance talks

City firm Lovell White Durrant is jointly hosting the 1996 International Reinsurance Dispute Resolution conference with its newly-opened Chicago office. The event, to be held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London on 19 to 21 June next year, carries on the tradition of reinsurance conferences held over the past five years by Joe McCullough, […]