
Clients ditch loyalty in search for better value

CLIENTS are increasingly shopping around on the grounds of price and quality to find the most suitable law firms, according to a report on the buying and selling of legal services. The report, which includes findings from a survey of the top 60 law firms, reveals that clients are becoming less loyal to their law […]

The Law of Entertainment and Broadcasting

This is an ambitious work which seeks to cover a variety of topics affecting entertainment and broadcasting law in 530 pages of text. Vincent Nelson approaches his task by dividing the book into six parts: entertainment, contracts, copyright and related rights, equitable remedies, defamation, regulation of television and radio, and consumer protection. As he is […]

Teams line up in Welsh Water's bid for Swalec

Slaughter and May and Herbert Smith were in pole position in the £872 million Welsh Water bid for Welsh regional electricity company Swalec. The bid was delayed to coincide with the latest valuation of the National Grid. Swalec is one of the 12 regional electricity company (REC) shareholders in the grid, the sale of which […]

In brief: Communications ace for Baker & McKenzie

The communications and multi-media group at Baker & McKenzie has recruited Stephanie Liston from Freshfields. Liston, who is admitted in the UK and US jurisdictions, was a senior lawyer with MCI Communications Corporation before joining Freshfields. She has acted for companies entering and diversifying into the UK and European communications markets and advised MCI in […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 12/12/95

Compulsory acquisition of land by authority R v Northumbrian Water, ex parte Able UK (1995). QBD (Carnwath J) 1/12/95. Summary: Water company held entitled to withdraw its notice to treat notwithstanding having taken possession of the land which it sought to acquire. Position concerning the advance payment made to the landowner. In 1991 the respondent […]

Employment In The NHS

I like this book. It is packed with practical advice, untrammelled by too many references to cases or statutes. It is very much a market-focused work and seems more designed for human resources professionals in the NHS than for lawyers. The book aims to provide a practical examination of the law relating to employment and […]

Source of systems

Helen Sage reports The IT Legal Guide is the latest publication from the database division of VNU Business Publications. It is designed to meet the needs of lawyers sourcing IT suppliers, systems software and services. The guide provides detailed profiles of 400 suppliers which provide IT solutions for the legal profession and more than 300 […]

Music row makes crescendo to High Court

In August we spotlighted a music industry row over the name of 60s group The Hollies. That dispute has now been settled, giving the group all they were seeking including undisclosed damages. But in the wake of the settlement, the solicitor who handled the case, Brian Eagles of Nabarro Nathanson, says two new actions are […]

Man of action

The Lord Chancellor is used to seeing his name in the press. Recently, with all the right wing indignation over his divorce reforms, he has seen it coupled with talk of back-tracking and revolt. But it was a story in the Daily Telegraph last week which finally shook him out of his reserve to put […]

Flying the flag of legal standards

The emerging need for help and advice on chambers management began to take shape with the release of the report to the Bar Council in November 1993 of Work of the Young Bar. A key recommendation in this report was that the council should publish guidance to encourage barristers to meet the high standards of […]

A name for the dotted line

I have seen a copy of the letter written to you by David Keating and others relating to the Presidents Reform Group. I wish to accept their invitation to be named as a signatory to that letter. JB Pickup Council member Moss & Haselhurst 2 Castle Street Northwich.

Farewell to dog days?

So, it’s goodbye to Paul Rhodes, the managing partner of Dibb Lupton Broomhead who is stepping down at the end of the year (The Lawyer, 5 December). Does that mean it’s also an end to all those terrible cliches about rottweilers and tigers? Name not supplied, Leeds CW8 1AB.