

Herbert Smith exchanged contracts on behalf of Hammerson for the freehold acquisition of the 190,000 sq ft Globe House, London WC2, from CIN Properties for £18.25 million cash consideration. Nabarro Nathanson acted for CIN.

Council blows fees issue wide open

A CLASSIC Law Society compromise has thrown open the entire conveyancing debate once again – and could even lead to the establishment of compulsory quality standards for conveyancers. The society’s council heaved a collective sigh of relief after its meeting last Thursday. A damaging split on the method of solving the conveyancing fees crisis was […]

Newspapers welcome ruling on libel awards

NEWSPAPER lawyers have welcomed the Court of Appeal’s new guidelines curbing jury awards in libel cases. Three judges, the Master of the Rolls Sir Thomas Bingham and Lords Justice Hirst and Neill, last week ruled that judges and lawyers could suggest appropriate damages based on comparative levels of awards in personal injury cases. Santha Rasaiah, […]

In brief: Lowe gets Society's seal of approval

Veronica Lowe’s record as head of the beleaguered Solicitors Complaints Bureau was applauded by the Law Society Council on Thursday. Lowe stood down from her post as head of the bureau at the end of October and will leave the Law Society at the end of the year. Paul Pharaoh, chair of the adjudication and […]

Nabarros set to invade China

LONDON firm Nabarro Nathanson has signed a deal with Hong Kong practice Livasiri & Co to take on work from the colony and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Formalised last week, the deal focuses on banking, corporate/commercial, construction and litigation work. Livasiri, which has eight partners and 40 additional fee earners, will recommend Nabarros […]

Haringey in libel row

The London Borough of Haringey is being taken to the High Court by a former member of staff. Samuel Morgan, who was a senior concierge with the housing service, claims he was libelled by being branded racist in a letter written by borough human resources manager Roger Melling.

Welsh Circuit leader

Crown Court recorder John Griffith Williams QC has been elected to lead the Wales and Chester Circuit. Griffith Williams, a tenant at 33 Park Place, in Cardiff, and Goldsmith Building, in Temple, will take up the position from 1 January. He succeeds Gerard Elias QC, of Farrar’s Building, in Temple, who has led the circuit […]

In brief: Theodore Goddard wins training accolade

The Department of Education and Employment has named City firm Theodore Goddard as London Regional Winner of its National Training Award. The firm, which brought in a professional trainer to help improve profitability within the practice, won the award for a programme created to help its solicitors develop commercial and marketing skills.

Asim meeting sets out agenda

Ruthven Gemmell, head of investment at Edinburgh firm Murray Beith Murray, is to be the Scottish director of the Association of Solicitors Investment Managers (Asim). He was voted in at the association’s recent annual general meeting, as were five new member firms. At the meeting, chair David Lough reported that Asim was concentrating its efforts […]

Discrimination/cable tv. The rocky road to cable TV

Untold annoyance has been caused by cable TV companies virtually digging up back gardens regardless of the feelings of house owners or of the traffic congestion which can be caused while work is carried out. Can they do this? Cable TV companies are granted licences to install telecomms apparatus over and under land by the […]

Former nurses find new role in caring legal profession

A NEW association is setting out to promote the specialist skills of nurses who have entered the legal profession. Nurses in the Law Association met for the first time last week under the chairmanship of founder Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp. Rhodes-Kemp, a former nurse who left Middlesex Hospital five years ago and is now a partner in […]

CHRISTMAS QUIZ. Improve your brain power…

MUSIC A. Which member of U2 was so afraid of horses that a double had to be used in the filming of the video of New Year’s Day? 1. Bono 2. Dave Robbins 3. The Edge 4. Adam Clayton 5. Larry Mullins B. Which composer wrote a symphony number 0 and one numbered 00? 1. […]