
Litigation Recent Decisions 01/10/96

Exemption from competition rules the European Broadcasting Union agreement on transmission of sporting events Metropole Television SA v European Communities Commission (1996). Summary: Directive exempting European Broadcasting Union agreement from competition rules annulled. Application under art.173 EC Treaty by television companies who were non-members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) for annulment of the exemption […]

Nabarros unit defects to rival in Warsaw

The Warsaw office of McKenna & Co has poached five lawyers, including one partner, from neighbouring firm Nabarro Nathanson, in a move reflecting the current scramble for the best foreign lawyers in Poland. The departure of partner Stephen Shone and his team of four leaves Nabarros without any real estate specialists and reduces its number […]

No discouragement

A BARRISTER accused of racial discrimination by a former colleague said he hoped her “frivolous” claims would not discourage other members of the Bar from pursuing similar complaints. Nicholas Nicol was among the barristers at Staple Inn Chambers accused by Joy Okoye of racial discrimination. Earlier this month her claim was struck out by Judge […]

Protecting rights of design

The design provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 for settlement of “licence of right” by the comptroller general of patents in the absence of agreement between the parties has just been put to the test for the first time. And the outcome is one that intellectual property law experts at Nabarro Nathanson, […]

Lord Rodger brings controversy to role

Edinburgh’s legal community could be in for a shake-up when its new head takes office at the start of this month. Lord Rodger of Earlsferry, a 51-year old bachelor, is a tenderfoot in terms of judicial experience, with less than a year on the bench. But as Lord Justice General and Lord President of the […]

Garrett poaches CMH partner

Garrett & Co has poached property partner Louise Anderson from Cameron Markby Hewitt to jointly develop its London property department. Anderson, who was at CMH for nine years – the last two as an equity partner – and has acted for Scottish Amicable and the Wellcome Trust, was approached by a headhunter. She said she […]

Law Soc continues expansion

THE LAW Society looks set to continue an expansion policy which was briefly put on hold during Martin Mears tenure. Letters have been sent to law societies across the country asking them if they would like a regional office in their area. The Law Society, which believes regional offices can reinvigorate areas where societies are […]

EC warns Poland against barring foreign law firms

The European Commission has warned the Polish government that restricting foreign lawyers from practising in Poland would contravene EC regulations. The warning was prompted by concerns over draft legislation to regulate and reform the Polish legal system which, by ruling that legal services can only be provided by Polish lawyers, would effectively force foreign lawyers […]

Mills & Reeve forced to offer scheme withdrawal

East Anglian firm Mills & Reeve has offered investors the chance to withdraw from a £5m corporate sponsorship scheme for polo matches in the wake of a barrage of criticism by a firm of tax analysts. The move follows an announcement by financial analyst Allenbridge that it has reported the firm – part of the […]

Merged South West practices hunt for eight extra lawyers

Southampton-based firm Woodford & Ackroyd and a larger firm, Trethowans of Salisbury, officially merged today (1 October), to create Trethowan Woodford. The merged firm has immediately announced plans to recruit eight more lawyers and will rank among the top 15 firms in the South West. The appointments will take the practice up to a total […]

Hallett's stand is a sign of the times

Whether Heather Hallett QC will succeed in her bid to become the first-ever female leader of the Bar Council is yet to be decided. However, it is a sign of the times that a woman has stood for the position two years in a row. While female barristers will still say that sexism is rife […]

No ignoring the problem

Some in the profession may have their doubts about the Mears/Sayer/Edge approach to conveyancing. Brian Marson is one and in The Lawyer 19 December he made this clear. In the same article he said he was also totally in favour of good quality conveyancing being carried out for much greater reward than it is currently […]