
Intellectual property quartet is reunited at Charles Russell

A team of four media and intellectual property lawyers, who were split up when their London firm was swallowed by Eversheds, have joined Charles Russell after getting together to make pitches to four firms. The four worked together for three years at Jaques & Lewis, but split up when it became Eversheds’ London office. Two […]

Berlin meeting will examine treaty to safeguard gene use

International lawyers will examine a proposed treaty designed to prevent the misuse of human genetic information when they meet in Berlin this month. If the proposals, developed by the International Bar Association’s medicine and law committee, are approved at the IBA conference in Berlin, they will be presented to the United Nations next year. The […]

Street-wise Olswang handles biggest TV sponsorship deal

David Bouchier of Olswang drew up the contracts for the UK’s biggest broadcasting sponsorship: Cadbury’s £10m backing of Coronation Street. Sponsorship of TV is burgeoning as programme-makers seek extra funds. Bouchier said Granada had been involved in other sponsorship tie-ups, but the arrangements had been drawn up by in-house lawyers because the deals had never […]

In brief: Manches & Co puts end to BCCI battle

The five-year legal battle by 2,000 former BCCI employees, mainly represented by Manches & Co, has ended after the firm secured $70m in return for fees estimated at just under £1m. The BCCI Campaign Committee will pay the legal costs of four firms it has employed since 1991 out of the settlement made by the […]

Burges Salmon creates post to enforce training standards

Bristol commercial firm Burges Salmon has created a post of director of legal training to enforce Law Society standards for continuing professional development. Assistant solicitor Pauline Holland, who has already taken up the post, will also supervise training for trainee solicitors. Senior partner David Marsh said: “We felt it important to adopt a more centralised […]

Circuit gets round to success

Oasis, Eric Cantona and the IRA may have all made their marks on the North West in the last year, but the northern circuit has not been distracted from its impressive progress. As was widely predicted, Richard Henriques QC was elected with a strong mandate to take over the leadership of the circuit from much-admired […]

Project financing

Herbert Smith acted for Bank of Scotland on its refinancing of three petroleum reservoirs for Petrobas

Project financing

Allen & Overy advised the Export-Import Bank of Japan and the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi on a $670m export credit financing of two 660mega-watt coal-fired power stations in Guandong Province

Consultancies create transatlantic alliance

Two legal consultancies have formed an alliance to create the first transatlantic practice for law firms and in-house legal teams. London’s Hodgart Temporal and America’s Altman Weil Pensa Inc, which between them have offices in England and the US, and contacts in Australasia and Europe, are hoping the alliance will lead to an official merger […]

In brief: Cricketer opens batting at Osbornes' office

England wicket keeper Jack Russell opened Osborne Clarke’s City offices in Hillgate House, Old Bailey, last week. Russell, a keen painter, exhibited some paintings at the opening party. Managing partner Leslie Perrin said: “Jack is the best at what he does, that’s what we’re trying to do; Jack comes from Bristol, that’s where we started. […]

Bakers takes public rap for share advice

The Takeover Panel has taken the rare step of publicly criticising law firm Baker & McKenzie for failing to give proper advice to a company buying a majority share in another company. But the panel has decided to stop short of exercising its power to report the firm to the Law Society over its advice […]

In brief: Herbert Smith draws up MoD home leases

Herbert Smith lawyers are drawing up 700 leases on Ministry of Defence married quarters to complete the UK’s largest conveyancing transaction after exchanging contracts this week. The MoD appointed Herbert Smith legal adviser to the controversial £1.6bn sale of 57,000 homes after a beauty parade of six top City firms 18 months ago. About 30 […]