
Constituency speculation for council member

ONE of president Martin Mears’ key lieutenants on the Law Society Council appears to be losing his practising base in the constituency which elected him due to demerger claims surrounding his firm. Saunders Palmer Ure, the Richmond-based firm managed by Anthony Bogan, appeared to be breaking up last week. But it was difficult to get […]

Gay action tipped to set standard

BOSSES who discriminate between heterosexual and gay employees will be in breach of the law if an action being taken by a staff member of South West Trains is successful. Telephone enquiry bureau supervisor Lisa Grant claims SWT has contravened the provisions of the Equal Pay Act by refusing to provide her lesbian partner with […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Jon Cooper

Jon Cooper is a barrister at 7 Stone Buildings. Born in Wolverhampton in 1960, he now lives in London. When not being a lawyer, he writes TV scripts. What was your first job? Driver’s mate. What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? £40 per week as a driver’s mate, having qualified as a […]

Who needs more tests?

The Law Society Working Party on Standards is playing a valuable role in exploring options to ensure professional standards are maintained. However, the Trainee Solicitors Group (TSG) has some concerns about the recent proposals for the introduction of another layer of entry tests to the profession. The maintenance of standards in the profession is in […]

College of Law loses out in favoured schools' list

THE COLLEGE of Law has been sidelined at a crucial stage in the Bar Council’s move to end the Inns of Court School of Law’s monopoly by farming out training to other institutions. The college is absent from a list of eight institutions drawn up by the Bar. These institutions, according to the Bar, have […]

Questions over human rights in trial of ousted Malawi president

LAWYERS defending the former president of Malawi against conspiracy to murder charges have condemned the country’s new government as “bent on revenge” against the ousted leader. Memery Crystal partner Harvey Rands, who acted for Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda and two others following their 1995 arrests, saw them acquitted last month on charges of conspiring to […]


Paisner & Co acted for Ascot Holdings in the £10 million disposal of its interest in the Hotel Burstin.


SJ Berwin & Co advised British Land Co in its placing and open offer to raise £222.5 million. Allen & Overy advised brokers to the issue


Lovell White Durrant advised Texaco in financing oil exploration in the Captain Field in the UK sector of the North Sea. Slaughter and May advised Abbey National Treasury Services

In brief: Prison success for McKenna & Co

McKenna & Co is celebrating its client’s success in its bid to win the first government contract for the private sector to build and run a prison. Brigend Custodial Services won the contract to build the south Wales prison in Brigend which will house 800 prisoners after 12 months of negotiation with the Government. The […]

Gearing up for a new year of war and peace

“DETENTE time” was the plaintive pre-Christmas cry of the Law Society’s own journal, The Gazette. In an editorial, the magazine called for unity and a constructive approach in the society’s dealings with the Government over such crucial issues as legal aid and divorce reform. The president’s column followed. In it Martin Mears succeeded in insulting, […]

The solicitor who cost the profession millions

GRAHAM Durnford Ford, who stole millions of pounds from the estates of dead clients, is guaranteed a special place in the legal profession’s gallery of rogues. Sadly, lining his own pockets at the expense of clients, colleagues, and ultimately his profession, has further eroded the public’s trust in the high street solicitor. Ford’s unprecedented fleecing […]