
Hong Kong city

Hong Kong: new influences

US and regional firms are loosening UK firms’ grip on the market, and IPOs are not the big financial prize they once were  For decades Hong Kong has operated as the centre for Asia’s financial capital in its broadest form. Capital markets work has been the main source of income for the big firms in […]

Cat Griffiths index

Asia responds to a lighter touch

This week we publish the second edition of The Lawyer Asia Pacific 150, the most comprehensive study of the legal market in the region. In the 12 months since we published our last report there have been clear developments – in a nutshell, many international firms are stalling while the local firms are consolidating.  It’s […]

Peter Kalis

Peter Kalis: There’s room enough for Big Law and LPOs

Why classical lawyering – and its clients – have everything to gain from the efficiency drive sparked by alternative providers Moral conceit is the cancer of our profession.  In our discourse, certitude is displacing reason as the medium of choice. Carefully nuanced distinctions are often bludgeoned by those without the subtlety to draw them. We […]

TLM_Graph p5

Introduction: Quality is still the best policy

Innovation and disaggregation might be the latest legal buzzwords but our in-house survey reveals that the most important factor when choosing a law firm is good old-fashioned quality  How innovative is your delivery of legal services? Or to pose a more pertinent question, how much do your clients care how innovative you are? If the […]

singapore city

Singapore: a regional future

Well-positioned for the mooted single ASEAN economic community, Singapore’s firms are flexing their muscles to become go-to regional players Riding the economic growth wave of the South-East Asia region, Singapore is a hot spot for global investors and multinational corporations. It is thought the island state is home to more than 7,000 multinationals and 60 […]

japan city

Japan: outward and upward

With the 2020 Olympics in the bag and record-breaking outbound investment, the legal market has put in a strong performance for 2014 so far Last summer, crowds in Tokyo cele-brated the city’s 2020 Olympic bid victory. It was a rare moment of joy for a country that has been hit by natural disasters and, since […]

south korea city

South Korea: Defence force

Its legal market is destined to open up to US and European firms soon. Korean players are finding ways to power up for the challenge It has been more than two years since Ropes & Gray, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton and Clifford Chance became the first foreign firms to be allowed to open offices […]

australia city

Australia: medium pace

A prolonged period of tough trading conditions has forced a rebalancing in the top end of the legal market, while mid-sized players are growing Pay freezes, staff cuts and partner exits are the words that best describe the top end of last year’s Australian legal services market. Against the backdrop of a weak business confidence […]


Moves 30 June 2014

Move of the week US firm Greenberg Traurig has hired Dentons global real estate co-head Eric Rosedale to fill a new management position in London. Rosedale, who joins the firm’s London office, has taken on a new position as chair of the firm’s international real estate practice. He will be responsible for all real estate […]


In-house interview: Yoo group GC, Geraldine Mirabile

When creative maestro Philippe Starck’s interior design vehicle Yoo invited Geraldine Mirabile to be group GC, she wondered whether she would be cool enough. No problem, as it turned out When the headhunters come calling to tell you that two of the highest profile – and possibly coolest – men in their field want you […]


Technology: Secure in the knowledge

It is essential for law firms to maintain high standards of e-security in a fragmented, remote-working environment What are the main issues raised by lawyers working in an increasingly fragmented market?  Richard Kemp, founder, Kemp IT Law: It’s about balancing flexibility and security. It is increasingly mainstream for lawyers to expect: flexibility – to choose the devices […]


Facilities & operations: Spaced out

The increasingly fragmented legal market is shaping the office of the future In which ways are the new offices law firms are moving into meeting the challenge of a disaggregated legal offering? Karl Warmbold, facilities director, DWF: Property, people and IT tend to be the most significant costs incurred by law firms. Now more than […]