
No time for lip service

I read with concern your article on expert witnesses and note the comments on the Law Society checking procedure. As the person at the forefront of the checking procedure I am anxious you are aware of the intricacies and detail involved in this process. All experts in the Law Society Directory of Expert Witnesses, and […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 02/04/96

Contempt of court after transfer of action Attorney General v (1) Sarah Jane Limbrick (2) Tim Kelsey (3) John Witherow (4) The Times Newspaper (1996). QBD (Garland J) 20/3/96. Summary: Where a county court action is transferred to the High Court, what particulars of the action may be inspected for the purposes of publication under […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Michael Berrett

Michael Berrett is a partner specialising in personal injury work at Newbury practice Charles Lucas & Marshall. Born in London in 1956, he now lives in Wantage, Oxfordshire. What was your first job? Choir boy. What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? £50 for taking a judgment at Bloomsbury County Court. What would […]


SJ Berwin & Co acted for both Furlong Homes Group and Shore Capital and Corporate in the placing by Share Capital of 100


Simmons & Simmons acted for General Cable in a £160 million debt financing, £92 million finance lease facility and related letter of credit facility, each made available to its subsidiary, The Cable Corporation (TCC). The £160 million syndicated loan facility was arranged by NatWest Markets and advised by Linklaters & Paines. The £92 million finance […]

Charter mark for Scottish property deals

A SCHEME to boost the quality of conveyancing in Scotland could see the creation of officially approved “chartered conveyancers”. The Law Society of Scotland has embarked on a project to devise a conveyancing quality standard for firms to use as a marketing tool. The aim is to encourage firms to provide an expert service in […]

A ccess to justice. Justice for the ordinary man

Since the Law Society’s pro bono working party published its report, Solicitors Serving Society, in May 1994, there has been a significant increase in the number of references in the legal Press to pro bono activity by solicitors’ firms. Examples of such work include Clifford Chance, under the ‘Business in the Community’ initiative, waiving fees […]

Ackner won't let Mackay off hook

LORD Ackner is pressing for an explanation from the Lord Chancellor for the “continuing delays” in reaching a decision over rights of audience for employed solicitors. The former Law Lord, who is a staunch opponent of higher court rights for in-house lawyers, has now tabled three parliamentary questions on the thorny issue. His third question, […]

Law Soc faces grassroots rebellion

A FRESH wave of grassroots anti-establishment protest is threatening to engulf the Law Society. The British Legal Association and Bournemouth conveyancing fees campaigner John Edge are leading separate campaigns to stage special general meetings in order to force their agendas onto Chancery Lane. The BLA, which has around 1,000 members, is about to circulate a […]

Barbara Hewson sees a battle ahead after Factortame III.

Barbara Hewson is a barrister at 12 Gray’s Inn Square. On 5 March, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in two article 177 references, Brasserie du Pecheur SA v Federal Republic of Germany (case C-46/93) and R v Secretary of State for Transport (case C-48/93, known as Factortame III). In both cases damages were […]

Litigation Writs 02/04/96

Hampshire solicitors Hugh Harris-Evans, of Southampton, and Alexander Nicholls, of Chandlers Ford, are being sued for £124,000 and damages after forged cheques were paid into their client account. The Royal Bank of Scotland has issued a writ claiming the money and damages from Harris-Evans and Nicholls who trade as Francis Nicholls & Co, and have […]

In brief: SJ Berwin & Co plays host to Labour MP

S J Berwin & Co welcomed Labour shadow cabinet member Margaret Beckett to its offices last Wednesday for a presentation to senior executives from the construction industry. The meeting forms part of an initiative by the Labour Party to establish closer links with industry. A spokeswoman for the firm said Beckett, shadow secretary for state […]