
The Lawyer Inquiry: Katie Bradford

Katie Bradford was born in Coventry on 28 February 1958. She now lives in London and is an assistant solicitor at Linklaters & Paines. What was your first job? Receptionist in a VD clinic. What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? £2,500 per annum. What would you have done if you hadn’t become […]

Can the Law Soc learn from PACH?

The Bar Council must be delighted with the success of PACH, its centralised system for processing applications for pupillage. Some 85 per cent of chambers chose to take part in the scheme and 1,700 students, who each made only one application on disk naming up to 20 chambers, are currently being matched with compatible sets. […]


Ashurst Morris Crisp acted for Hoare Govett Corporate Finance in the private placing by Axis Genetics of £5 million worth of shares to fund further research and development. Axis was represented by Garrett & Co.

In brief: Eversheds Nottingham office ups sticks

Eversheds is relocating to new offices in Nottingham’s Standard Hill. Staff are due to move into the 3,300 square metre offices in November. The firm said the move was key to its development in the East Midlands. John Sarginson, Eversheds’ East Midlands managing partner, said the previous Nottingham premises was “not ideal for a modern […]

Draft employment Bill gets the thumbs-down

Government proposals to simplify employment dispute procedures could lead to greater complexity and lack of uniformity, employment lawyers have warned. They are preparing to respond to a draft Bill on dispute resolution, published for consultation by the Department of Trade and Industry in July. The main aims of the Bill are to encourage use of […]

Scottish play casts a spell

Chris Taylor applauds the Bar Shakespeare Coterie’s Macbeth “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” say the witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. And sexually-charged “wyrd sisters” and black leather helped make the point in the latest offering from the Bar Shakespeare Coterie. The Coterie, formed in 1994 by Simon Tracey, the com pany’s artistic director and […]

Commercial first for northern set

Two senior Manchester barristers are leaving Hollins Chambers to start the first exclusively commercial set outside London. The new set, to be known as Merchant Chambers, is the brainchild of barristers David Berkley and Stephen Cogley, who aim to provide purely specialist representation for the area’s business and banking sectors. They plan to start business […]

Attorneys do battle over LSC cuts

“Freedom, justice, liberty: without lawyers they’re only words” – a grandiose but relevant theme for the American Bar Association’s annual meeting in Florida last month. Relevant because justice and liberty for America’s poor, Hillary Clinton, the US President’s wife, argued at the convention, is coming under increasing threat from cuts to the Legal Services Corporation, […]

Rugby tackle lawyer sent to face tribunal

London solicitor Allen Chubb, who hit the headlines in March this year when he was convicted of assaulting a woman at his Belgravia offices, is to face a hearing by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal. The Solicitors Complaints Bureau is referring the case to the tribunal, whose powers range from a reprimand to striking someone off […]

Staff take action over lay-offs at London magistrates court

The first industrial action at a magistrates court since 1987 is being taken by support staff in north London. Employees at Haringey Magistrates Court are refusing to work overtime after four of their colleagues were made redundant. Ushers, administrative staff and clerks are also taking a full hour for lunch as part of their campaign […]

Bar clearing wins vots of confidence

The Bar’s new computerised clearing system for trainee barristers has been given the thumbs-up by barristers and candidates. Around 1,700 applications have been received to date and 85 per cent of chambers have joined the scheme. The Pupillage Applications Clearing House (PACH) is now processing its third tranche of applications, and has set a final […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 03/09/96

(1996) IRLR 32m Fraser Grenville Teague, 43, admitted 1967, practising as Fraser G Teague, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, reprimanded and ordered to pay £606 costs. Allegations substantiated he failed to deliver accountant’s report in time. John Stephen Brebner, 55, admitted 1983, practising at material times as Brebner & Co, London EC4, fined £2,500 and ordered to pay […]