
Cleaning up the profession

Reading the front page of last week’s The Lawyer, with what may be seen as five negative stories on one page – including headlines with words such as “fiasco”, “conman”, and reports of magistrates being forced to admit membership of the freemasons, as well as a barrister facing a disciplinary hearing – lawyers may be […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Grahame Stowe

Grahame Stowe was born in Leeds on 22 May 1949. He is now a partner at Grahame Stowe Bateson in Leeds. What was your first job? Selling sandwiches in Park Square, Leeds – like Nell Gwynn – from a wicker basket. What was your first ever salary as a lawyer? Qualified salary £2,600 per annum […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 03/12/96

Anthony Ian Carr, 48, admitted 1977, practising at material times as Carr & Co, London W1, fined £3,000 and ordered to pay £910 costs. Allegations substantiated he failed to secure payment of counsel’s fees, failed to reply promptly to letters from SCB, was guilty of unreasonable delay in complying with professional undertaking. Carr previously before […]

Rewarding time for legal excellence

This week sees the launch of The Lawyer Awards, the third-year running for this major event in the legal calender. When the awards were started three-years ago, it was difficult to envisage that they would catch the imagination of the profession to the extent that they have. Last year’s entries surpassed all expectations and we […]

Litigation Writs 03/12/96

The Institute of Neurology is suing its deputy finance officer and three others for damages in respect of missing assets. The Institute, part of the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in central London, has issued a writ against deputy finance officer Murugesu Rajendran for damages for breach of his employment contract, breach of fiduciary […]

Hill Taylor Dickinson heaves to after storm of recruitment

After poaching its ninth lawyer in two weeks, maritime and insurance firm Hill Taylor Dickinson is preparing to take stock of its dramatic recent growth. Nabarro Nathanson Lloyds office partner Russell Gardner is the latest to join Hills, just days after The Lawyer revealed the entire 15-strong McKenna & Co Lloyds team was defecting to […]

Caribbean panel

A panel of solicitors who assist death row prisoners in the Caribbean will meet this Thursday at Allen & Overy. The panel, made up of solicitors from a number of prominent firms, will be discussing how to persuade Jamaica to abide by a United Nations demand for the judicial review of a number of cases. […]

In brief: Savage secures college professoriate

The Governors of the College of Law have approved the appointment of a college professoriate. They have conferred the title on new chief executive, Nigel Savage, and has announced the appointment of its first externally appointed professor, Dr Barry Dean. Formerly professor and dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Cape Town, Dean […]

What lies in the past of a job-seeking lawyer

When it came to getting a job at prominent law firms, Jeffrey Doss-Lindsey did not so much sell himself as completely reinvent himself. Over a three-year period, he fooled The Law Society, senior solicitors, recruitment companies and, ultimately, himself with a fictitious background and a litany of lies. From 1992 to 1995 he was employed […]

Mundays in joint venture

Surrey firm Mundays has joined with an accountancy firm and an equity firm to establish a “one stop shop” for businesses looking to raise capital. The Equity Funding Partnership sees Mundays join Surrey accountants Menzies and private equity advisers Beer & Partners to provide advice on raising capital through private equity, debt finance, institutional placings, […]

Petersons sets up MDP in City for insurance clients

Chicago firm Peterson & Ross has chosen London for the location of its first international office. The office, which is a multinational partnership, is located on Lime Street in the City, and will be headed by partner Michael Skrbic who has joined the firm from McKenna & Co’s Hong Kong office, where he had been […]

The Aim of the prosecution

In 1991, City firm Allison & Humphreys was instructed by Dutch reinsurer NRG to act in a £400m professional negligence claim which was heard in the Commercial Court in the Royal Courts of Justice last year. The defendants were Bacon and Woodrow, Ernst & Young and Swiss Bank. During the preparation of the case and […]