
Management talks

Successful ways of leading and managing chambers will be explored at a conference being staged by The Lawyer. The June event, which will be chaired by Bar Council chair David Penry-Davey QC, is aimed at both barristers and administrators. Sessions will be held by management consultant Alan Hodgart, of Hodgart Temporal, James Hunt QC, head […]

Scots face MMC property probe

PROPERTY centres, the one-stop property shops run by Scottish solicitors, are to be investigated by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. But the Law Society of Scotland has come out in support of the lawyers, saying their centres dominate the marketplace because the solicitors are good at their jobs. Announcing the investigation last week, director general […]

New firm for CSA 'clean-break' case lawyer

SUSAN Deas, whose “clean-break” case cast a spotlight on the workings of the Child Support Agency for the first time, has moved firms. The family lawyer has started as a partner at Gamlins Storrar Cowdry in Chester where she is part of the matrimonial team. She was formerly a partner at Liverpool-based Brabner Holden, where […]

Top banking job is up for grabs

BANKING ombudsman Laurence Shurman is to step down at the end of the year. Shurman gave up his managing partner post at Kingsley Napley in March 1989 to take up the ombudsman post. His pending retirement at the end of the year has prompted the Council of the Banking Ombudsman to advertise for a senior […]

Women's law event presses for equality

THE FOLLOW-UP to last year’s controversial ‘Woman Lawyer’ event promises to go much further in promoting the position of women in the legal profession. This year’s conference, ‘Woman Lawyer II’ which takes place on 20 April, hosts a range of leading barristers and solicitors who are directly involved in the equality debate. Chair of the […]

Howard stands ground over asylum appeal

Judgment is currently pending in the case of Nigerian asylum seeker Ade Onibiyo, who is fighting a legal battle to remain in the UK as a political refugee. Home Secretary Michael Howard has ordered that Onibiyo, son of a Nigerian pro-democracy activist who “disappeared” after returning to Nigeria, is not entitled to UK asylum, a […]

For whom the dinner bell tolls

THE AGE-old tradition requiring would-be barristers to attend term dinners is in line for a major shake-up which could even herald its demise. An Inns of Court working party report on plans to deregulate training and defer call to the Bar recommends a reduction in the number of dinners students have to have from 18 […]

The US eagle takes flight

The JANUARY-February Corporate Money league tables for 1996 show a leaning towards advisers based in the UK and Canada. Although not dominating these charts, this representation from across the pond accounts for almost 25 per cent of entries in the law firms’ Top 25 list. But each US or Canadian firm entering the league tables […]

In brief: Law student not discriminated against

A student at the Inns of Court School of Law who complained of racial disadvantage had her appeal dismissed by Mr Justice Gage, acting as Visitor to the Inns of Court. Justice Gage felt the student’s failure was related to her failure to take advantage of academic assistance provided, rather than as a result of […]

No truth in local authority 'easy market', say lawyers

HOUSING lawyers have fought back against press reports which accuse them of profiting from council housing funds by touting for business among dissatisfied tenants. Lawyers were accused of forcing local authorities to spend up to 10 per cent of their housing repair budgets on litigation costs. The article which appeared in The Times last week […]

Israeli barrister is elected to head set

THE GAME of basketball is a key source of inspiration for the new head of chambers at Lamb Building. And the fact that it is basketball rather the more traditional British sports such as cricket or rugby which inspires Ami Feder can be easily explained. Feder is the only Israeli barrister practising in the UK […]

Had a close shave? Call Brigitte Goff

A HAIRDRESSING negligence specialist at the forefront of a national campaign to regulate hairdressers was herself the victim of a negligent cut. Brigitte Goff’s legal career changed forever after her hair was badly damaged during a bungled highlighting session three years ago. The personal injury lawyer successfully sued the hairdressers and has since used the […]