
Legg lays blame for legal aid's poor image at solicitors' door

SOLICITORS are partly responsible for a surge in the number of hidden wealth allegations being levelled against legally aided litigants, the Lord Chancellor’s top civil servant has claimed. Sir Thomas Legg, permanent secretary at the Lord Chancellor’s Department, told Parliament’s public accounts committee last week that challenging certificates had emerged as a litigation tactic. “Litigation […]

IBA calls for action on Latin America

LATIN America needs a recognised system of Bars to fight corruption, according to International Bar Association president Professor J Ross Harper. After a two-week visit to Latin America, Harper said that the judiciary was in need of an adequate system of selection and payment, and that lawyers and judges required better training. “In some countries […]

Experts you can trust in

Jersey may have a long and well established finance industry with an enviable reputation for stability and prudence, but few of today’s professional trustees will take on a trusteeship without some limitation of liability written into the trust instrument. However, both the local legislature and the courts have actively curtailed the effect of such provisions. […]


Witnesseth herein the obscurity of legal journal

THE FIGHT against gobbledygook in legal writing is being led by a woman who once thought compensation was what made wallpaper peel. Chrissie Maher OBE founded the Plain English Campaign, which has released a plain English guide to legal writing, Language on Trial. Maher, who was semi-literate until the age of 14, was saved from […]

The fabled benefits of ESOPs

It is widely accepted that companies which involve their employees in share ownership receive benefits through the recruitment and retention of staff, the fostering of employee interest in the company and the motivation of employees to improve profits. In addition, institutional investors generally prefer to see senior executives benefit by shares rather than cash. An […]

Legislating for safe investment

The Isle of Man is recognised as a reputable and well-regulated offshore finance centre and this is well illustrated by the recent renewal of the island’s ‘designated territory’ status under the UK Financial Services Act. Its success is based on a number of well-established factors and also on its ability and willingness to change and […]

A boost for the UK economy

The Labour Party has signalled its intentions clearly with regard to the use of offshore jurisdictions. It intends a full overhaul to counter what it perceives as offshore loopholes. The strongest criticism is reserved for offshore trusts and companies where Labour argues there is continuing abuse. Jersey, like the other UK offshore islands, provides the […]

Mears launches election bid on three-man ticket

LAW Society president Martin Mears has stolen a march on his Law Society rivals with the announcement of a united three-man ticket for the next elections. David Keating, a council member of eight years standing, has announced he will stand for the post of deputy vice-president in the summer elections alongside Mears and Law Society […]


The Association of Solicitors in Investment Management (Asim) is to hold an election for a new chair following the decision of Cripps Harries Hall partner David Lough to stand down after three years i

Mary Heaney reports The Association of Solicitors in Investment Management (Asim) is to hold an election for a new chair following the decision of Cripps Harries Hall partner David Lough to stand down after three years in the position. Heather Martin, secretary to the association, said of the departure : “Everyone’s very sad that he’s […]

Law Socs set to share Euro office with German Bar

A VISION that would see most national lawyers’ organisations located at a single Brussels address is starting to take shape. The Brussels office of the Law Societies of England and Wales and of Scotland is moving to new premises to be shared by the German federal Bar. They will occupy the joint premises from June. […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 26/03/96

William Valpy Knox, 47, admitted 1977, practised as William Knox, St Albans, struck off and ordered to pay £1,448 costs. Allegations substantiated he failed to respond or alternatively failed to respond with reasonable expedition to correspondence from Solicitors Complaints Bureau, was guilty of unreasonable delay in dealing with client affairs, failed to observe terms of […]

CPD sparks big increase in training budgets

TRAINING in marketing, technology and languages is expected to rise in law firms as the Law Society’s Continuous Professional Development increases its presence. In a survey carried out by legal publisher FT Law & Tax, 60 per cent of managers or partners anticipated an increase in their training and personnel budgets. For firms of more […]