

The Brough Skerrett Law Partnership advised the Aim Trust in relation to its listing on the Stock Exchange raising £43.7 million by way of a placing. Clifford Chance advised the sponsor


The fantasy barrister league

The same names may come up time and again in most people’s fantasy football teams, but the names which come up in the leading criminal practitioners’ pick of fantasy barristers range from the obvious to the unexpected. Criminal specialists were asked to imagine they were standing in the dock accused of murder. With money being […]

Solicitors barred from top advocate jobs

SCOTTISH solicitors whose firms undertake criminal defence work are being blocked from prosecuting in the High Court despite the end of a blanket ban on solicitor advocates and procurator fiscals. The lifting of the ban on solicitor and procurator fiscal appointments to Scotland’s select band of 13 advocate deputes was announced by the Lord Advocate, […]

Jersey leads the way on liability law

LIMITED liability legislation has been lodged with Jersey’s legislative assembly amid predictions that a law change would entice several City firms to the island. Under the proposed law, a Jersey registered partnership will continue to remain totally liable for all its debts. But, in stark contrast to the current position in Jersey and the UK, […]

In brief: Jackson ascends to Cornish ICA chair

Foot & Bowden chief executive Ruth Jackson (pictured) has been elected chair of the Plymouth and Cornwall branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Jackson qualified as a chartered accountant in 1984, joining the Plymouth firm as a management consultant in 1988. Her recent appointment as the firm’s chief executive is, she says, “a forward […]

In brief: Labour lawyers get together

Labour lawyers are holding two meetings this Wednesday (29 May). At the Marquis of Granby pub in Romney Street at 7pm members of the Young Labour Lawyers group will be meeting Paul Boateng MP about Labour’s proposed Bill of Rights. On the same evening the East Midlands Branch of Labour Lawyers will be meeting a […]

Hextalls considers appealing against Silverstone damages

City firm Hextall, Erskine & Co is considering whether to appeal against an order that it pay £3.5 million in damages for negligent advice it gave to Silverstone Circuits, the company which owns the famous Silverstone motor racing track. The case revolved around the purchase by Silverstone of a half share in car retail business […]

Nabarros launches tough ad campaign

Nabarro Nathanson has launched a £50,000 advertising campaign to promote its new National Centre for Law in Industry in Sheffield. The campaign, which targets the legal and business sections of the national, regional and trade press, features an image of molten metal being poured into a mould of the Nabarro Nathanson name and logo. The […]

Credit where credit's due

Lengthy legislation protecting the consumer has just come into force in Ireland after being on the statute books since last July. Enforcement of the Consumer Credit Act 1995 was delayed to give businesses affected an opportunity to adjust operations to come into line with the provisions. The Act has caused some controversy in Ireland, with […]

Fitzsimons to head up Garretts push in Cambridge

Garrett & Co has revealed plans to open a Cambridge office in the New Year following its recruitment of a corporate lawyer who was based there. Gerry Fitzsimons has joined Garrett & Co from Taylor Vinters, where he was a partner, with a brief to exploit the East Anglian market. And although he will be […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 28/05/96

Appeal against office premises rating. British Telecommunications v Ian Michael Broadway (Valuation Officer) (1996). Lands Tribunal (J C Hill TD FRICS) 18/3/96. Summary: Appeal by British Telecommunications against a decision of the Hampshire North Valuation Tribunal determining the rateable value of its office premises at Guidon House, Fleet at £826,500. The premises was built in […]

Criminal masterminds unveiled

Criminal cases are the ones that hit the headlines, from the Rose-mary West trial to James Bulger and the more technical fraud cases such as Barlow Clowes and Maxwell. And it is the criminal lawyers who get the glory and the brickbats. With such pressures, leading criminal practitioners are looking for silks who are “hungry […]