
N&P legal office broken up

THE SIX-strong legal department of National Provincial Building Society is being broken up in the run up to its takeover by Abbey National. Last week, Eversheds announced it had recruited former head of the N&P department Tony Gartland as a salaried partner to its Leeds office. But Abbey National, which takes over N&P next month, […]

Navy nurse's dismissal claim

A sacked Royal Navy nurse is heading for the European Court of Justice with a test case aimed at outlawing the UK’s blanket ban on gay service personnel. Mr Justice Sedley ruled there is at least an “arguable” case that the sacking of 27-year-old Terence Perkins, contravened European law provisions of equal treatment and gave […]

Charles Marquand sees problems for insider dealing charges.

Charles Marquand is a barrister at 3 New Square. Recent reports (The Lawyer 25 June 1996) suggested that the losers in the recent copper market turmoil were considering whether to start litigation under section 62 Financial Services Act 1986 for losses arising from insider dealing. They may be disappointed. Section 62 (1) of the Act […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 16/07/96

Covenant prohibiting more than one house on a plot Application of Jean Elizabeth Lee: Re 13 Hardwick Court, Pontefract, West Yorkshire: LP/6/199. Lands Tribunal (P H Clarke FRICS) 17/6/96. Summary: Application to discharge a restrictive covenant prohibiting the erection of more than one dwelling house per plot in an estate held to secure practical advantages […]

IT Books update

Alison Laferia reports Business and Law on the Internet is a guide to the legal implications of doing business on the Net. The book assesses the potential risks and gives advice on carrying out legally secure activity on the Internet. Written by practising international lawyer Oliver Hance, it covers protection of intellectual property, freedom of […]

Hard lessons of the UK-US marriage

Theodore Goddard’s move to sell off its Eastern European office to its former alliance partner, US firm Dewey Ballantine, is another example of the trans-Atlantic dream failing. In the late Eighties and early Nineties, in the name of business strategy, firms looked at every option to expand. Globalisation seemed to provide the opportunity and many […]

Talking about your generation

The Law Society today faces many problems. This is nothing new; it did on a greater scale and in a more difficult context in the 1930s and 1940s. Then, by an concerted effort, the society strengthened its modest resources in order to cope. Today, despite the enormous resources available to it, the society seems unable […]

Striking the imbalance

In the week which has seen the the Prime Minister endorsing the call by the Archbishop of Canterbury for a wider adherence to Christian values and teachings, the Government has chosen to publish its document announcing further restrictions on legal aid for the less than wealthy, entitled Striking the Balance. To judge from its contents, […]


SJ Berwin acted for Meglomedia for its placing of shares with Robert Flemming merchant bank in a deal worth £5 million.

London visit improves Irish links

LINKS between the Irish Bar and the Middle Temple have been strengthened with the visit to London of a delegation of 40 Irish barristers. The visit at the end of last month featured a dinner at Middle Temple Hall hosted by the Inn’s treasurer Michael Sherrard QC and a reception at the Royal Naval College […]

Litigation Personal Injury 16/07/96

Soanes v Medway Health Authority & anor – QBD 26 June 1996 Claimant: Joanna Soanes, 58 Incident: Medical negligence Injuries: Claimant underwent mastectomy for breast cancer; subsequently diagnosed as suffering from extensive secondary cancer and treated with steroids, chemotherapy, radio therapy; claimant complained she was led to believe she only had short time left to […]

Battle of the Berkshire speedsters

Gardeners loathe them, the French eat them and now it seems a new fate awaits the humble snail – the bulldozer. The High Court has seldom had before it stranger subject matter than the recent case of the whorl snail. For while gardeners believe Armageddon is the answer for all snails, the whorl snail has […]