
Double the rewards?

Firms involved in international trade, mergers and acquisitions work are increasingly opting for lawyers who can relate to clients from both sides of the Atlantic. Although dual qualification allows a lawyer to understand the legal and cultural aspects of the case in both countries, achieving it involves a great deal of work and determination. Jonathan […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 23/07/96

Philip Redmond Nari, 50, admitted 1975, practising at material times in partnership with Tisdall Nelson Nari & Co, Hove, fined £1,000 and ordered to pay £3,510 costs. Allegations substantiated he failed to keep accounts properly, improperly used funds forwarded to him by a third party for his own purposes, misapplied funds forwarded to him by […]

Bar Council launches Web listing

Alison Laferla reports A multi-media Bar Directory is due to be launched by the Bar Council later this year. The only official Bar Council directory of British barristers in private practice or employment, the directory will be accessed through a database as well as a new Bar Council Website. Hard copies will also be available. […]

Burger box billionaire's battle

The on-going battle of Dart v Dart is heading for the House of Lords. Katina Dart, divorced wife of US burger box billionaire Robert Dart, is unhappy with the £10 million awarded her in the High Court Family Division and the decision of the Appeal Court to uphold that award. She has now instructed her […]

Top of the taxi rank

Thank you for explaining the meaning of the ‘cab rank rule’ (The Lawyer 16 July). Previously, I thought that it meant that, like cabs, one could never find one of our learned friends when one needed one, when one did, they came along in threes, and that they cost an arm and a leg. Michael […]

Winning back the client's trust

The new presidential team at Chancery Lane has Martin Mears to thank for, hopefully, burying the previous ‘Buggin’s turn’ approach to the Law Society’s highest offices and for the chance to take some of the opportunities which he spurned. Mears has constantly blamed the “old guard” still at the Law Society for his failure to […]


A Bar to practice?

The Law Society has become increasingly concerned about the restrictions imposed by the American legal system on UK solicitors who wish to practise in the US. Accordingly, it has arranged a meeting with leading members of the American Bar Association during the group’s annual meeting in August to discuss how to deal with the problems […]

The Lawyer Inquiry: Karim Kassam

Karim Kassam was born in Northumberland on 7 April 1961. He now lives in London and is a partner at Kenneth Elliot & Rowe. What was your first job? Answering telephones in the refuse department of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (during the bin men’s strike). What was your first ever salary as […]

Howells case highlights public interest

The Solicitors Complaints Bureau has come in for fierce and sustained criticism in recent years over its perceived bias in favour of the legal profession. It has been castigated by the National Consumer Council and admonished by the Legal Services Ombudsman. The consumers of legal services, the clients, are far from convinced that they can […]


Lovell White Durrant has completed a $2.2 billion multi-currency revolving credit facility for Dutch publishing group Wolters Kluwer. Clifford Chance in Amsterdam advised ABN Amro, which arranged the syndicated facility agreement.

Stephensons quits City's Club of Nine

STEPHENSON Harwood has agreed to leave the secret information-sharing ‘Club of Nine’ City firms. The rarely publicly acknowledged but widely-known grouping of the senior partners from nine major City firms has met twice-yearly for many years with a formal written agenda to discuss matters of mutual interest. Stephensons is believed to have been asked to […]

Andrew Masterson wants to a way to stop 'looney' litigants.

Andrew Masterson is a commercial/IT litigator with Pinsent Curtis in Leeds. Lords Woolf and Mackay are making a start on reigning in some of the looney litigants who use the courts, but more needs to be done. Often failed businessmen teetering on the bring of insolvency, these litigants’ claims are based on allegations of verbal […]