
Altered states

London may seem a dream posting for a successful lawyer but does the reality of living in the city match up to the image? Is there life outside the American community or are the English as reserved as their reputation says? According to some expat US lawyers, London may not “throb” like New York but […]


Call for Ombudsman reform

Helen Sage reports The Local Government Ombudsman would probably be found guilty of maladministration if he investigated himself, the Association of Council Secretaries and Solicitors (Acses) has claimed. Acses president John Hartas has accused the Local Government Ombudsman of overstepping his jurisdiction in a submission which he has made to the Government’s review of the […]

In brief: Paisners' pensions victory sets precedent

Pensions Ombudsman Julian Farrand, advised by Paisner & Co, won in the High Court when conglomerate Hillsdown Holdings was ordered to pay back £18.4 million unlawfully taken from one of its pension schemes. Hillsdown had appealed against a similar ruling by Farrand last year, which the company attempted to overturn in court. David Parkin, head […]

Manchester Bar school proposed

Concern at Manchester’s failure to win the right to run a Bar training course has prompted one London college to consider opening a branch training centre there. Manchester, which supports the second largest Bar in the country, was conspicuous by its absence from the list of regional cities which will host training courses when the […]

Bakers picks up Detroit practice's Polish office

Baker & McKenzie has taken over the Polish office and seven lawyers, including two partners, of Detroit firm Dickinson Wright Moon Van Dusen & Freeman. Two further lawyers have gone to Clifford Chance’s Polish office. Lawyers at the Dickinson office were believed to have been unhappy at the lack of support from their head office. […]

'Watershed' first agreement among rival Russian Bars

RUSSIA’S three largest rival groups of lawyers reached agreement for the first time ever at the International Bar Association conference in Moscow this month. Since the fall of communism and the break up of the Soviet Union, groups regulating Russian lawyers have splintered and have been competing bitterly for members. Now, in the first signs […]

Girling to tackle finances as £4 million surplus is revealed

The New Law Society president, Tony Girling, has promised a thorough review of the organisation’s finances as it emerged that a £4 million cash surplus at the end of 1995 could not be distributed among members. Out-going treasurer Michael Howells told puzzled council members last week that plans drawn up for distributing the money ran […]

Lambeth advertises legal work

Helen Sage reports Law firms have been invited to tender for work after Lambeth’s radical voluntary privatisation initiative was passed by councillors earlier this month. The legal department has sent out a mail shot advertising 85 per cent of its work to all the law firms it has dealt with in the past. In the […]

Patience plea by South African Law Soc

Barrister John Taylor will team up with a doctor and an architect on BBC television this week to help the residents of a typical English street with their problems. Taylor, a former prospective Tory MP, will be providing the legal know-how for the consumer series which begins at 8.30pm this Thursday. Over the next six […]

Tears for Mears as protest gives Girling a go

While Martin Mears clears his presidential desk and heads home, Richard Wachman reflects on the exit of the new broom and wonders whether those who swept him from power will get what they wanted from the new incumbent, Tony Girling “We all love Martin Mears here,” declared my solicitor recently when I stopped off at […]

Eversheds snatches deal from Dibbs

DIBB Lupton Broomhead’s major client Du Pont has defected to Eversheds in a deal worth hundreds of thousands of pounds to the firm. The Swiss chemical giant, which had paid several UK law firms to advise on environmental, employment and corporate law, held a beauty parade to choose a new principal legal advisor in March. […]

Campaign targets equality for gay couples

Gay and lesbian lawyers are launching a campaign to get homosexual couples recognised in law. Using their legal skills, they will argue that homosexual couples be given the same partnership status as heterosexual couples. This includes pension rights for homosexual couples, the right to inherit council properties from deceased partners and the right to be […]