
Katie Bradford says valuation rulings need close scrutiny

There was much rejoicing in the property world when the House of Lords ruled on BBL damages. The message was that a negligent valuer would not be liable for losses caused by a fall in the market price of over-valued land. But the jubilation was misplaced. Lord Hoffman gave the leading opinion in South Australia […]

Book sparks libel action

David Irving is to seek libel damages over a book entitled Denying the Holocaust. He is taking publisher Penguin Books and author Deborah Lipstadt, of Atlanta, Georgia, US, to the High Court. Irving’s action is also against David Crank, Alistair Babb, Stanley Bromley and Colin Orr in respect of distribution and sales of the book. […]

Exporters air their beef about exclusion

Judgment is now pending in a case which could decide the fate of several major UK beef exporters. Mr Justice Laws has been told that the future of exporters responsible for up to 40 per cent of UK beef exports hinges on his decision in a challenge to the Government’s stance on those entitled to […]

Junior partners' salaries rise

Assistant solicitor and junior partners’ salaries in City firms with fewer than 25 partners increased by a massive 7 per cent on average this year, according to a salary survey by legal recruitment consultant Garfield Robbins. Lawyers in firms with between 25 and 60 partners received on average only 2 per cent more this year, […]

Law Soc hits back at Which? wills report

THE LAW Society and the Consumers’ Association have renewed hostilities – this time over the drafting of wills – following a long-running battle over the accuracy of Which? magazine surveys. The latest Which? report covering the legal profession claims solicitors’ will drafting skills are no better than those of banks, life insurers and specialist will […]

Awaiting the sound of silence

The House of Lords is being asked to consider whether the legal battle over night flights into Heathrow should end where it stands with July’s Court of Appeal ruling in favour of the Government’s backing for upgrading the level of flights. But a top environmental lawyer who is closely involved in the action has accused […]

An investment in the future

Chambers are becoming more aware of the need to manage their activities. There are several reasons for this, including increased competition from solicitors as well as from other sets; the greater expectations of sol icitors and clients; advances in technology which enable changes in working practices; plus the provision of more statistical information to assist […]

Bacfi puts partnerships at top of its agenda

EMPLOYED barristers are to discuss calls for barristers to be allowed to enter in to partnerships with solicitors and accountants at a meeting to test opinion in the sector on a range of contentious issues. The Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry (Bacfi) has taken the unusual step of inviting its members to an […]

'Two strikes' proposal could undermine Scots legal system

The integrity of the Scottish legal system could be compromised if Government proposals on crime and punishment are implemented north of the border, Scotland’s most senior judge has warned. In his last address before becoming an appeal judge in the House of Lords, the Lord President and Lord Justice General of Scotland, Lord Hope of […]

Simmons closes net on Goldfish terms

The terms of British Gas’s much-publicised Goldfish loyalty card, which gives its customers reductions on their gas bills, were hammered out by a team of lawyers from Simmons & Simmons. Tax partner Stephen Coleclough said his team, which acted for HFC, the bank issuing the card, had to devise contracts that ensured “no one goes […]

Poor may be disadvantaged by legal aid block contracts

The qUAlity of legal advice for the poor could nose-dive if block contracting proposals for criminal legal aid work are introduced, warned a top US specialist. Addressing the Law Society of Scotland conference on crime and punishment last Monday, Robert Spangenberg, chair of an American Bar Association ad hoc committee on criminal defence, said proposals […]

Thaw in frosty links with Labour and the profession

FROSTY relations between Labour and the legal profession appear to be thawing following an amicable fringe Law Society meeting at the Labour Party conference and a well-received speech by the shadow Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine of Lairg, at the Bar conference. In a show of mutual respect at the Law Society meeting on legal aid […]