
In brief: Hickman awaits Legal Aid response

London firm Hickman & Rose is waiting for the Legal Aid Board to respond to its affidavit, after being granted leave for judicial review last month. The firm is challenging a decision by the City of London Local Duty Solicitor Committee which stops duty solicitors delegating night-time and weekend work to non-solicitor representatives in certain […]


PLANS to create a National Museum of Law (right) in Nottingham have received £4.215 million from the National Lottery. Conservationists in Nottingham have already converted part of the town’s historic Shire Hall where the law courts, police station and prisons have been since the 14th century. The lottery money, along with around £1 million of […]

Strangely familiar

To someone accustomed to working in the English Bar, the first impression of the Bar of Hong Kong is akin to gazing into a mirror and seeing the reflection of a stranger wearing one of your own suits staring back. The clothes fit, but the wearer is, undeniably, not you. As in England, the Hong […]

Eversheds staff to monitor each other

THE TWELVE regional offices and 715 solicitors of Eversheds are to regularly check each other’s response times to clients, quality of legal advice and conduct of case work in a bid to standardise procedures throughout the national firm. The firm, which has evolved from 12 separate regional practices, each with its own set of standards […]

CD-Rom move a first

Commercial firm Nabarro Nathanson has produced its brochure on CD-Rom.

QBD cases pending

Cases pending in the Queen’s Bench Division jury list include: Western Provident Association v Norwich Union Healthcare & anor; British Coal Corporation v National Union of Mineworkers & anor; Penry v Drake & anor; Reynolds v Times Newspapers & ors; Morgan v Melling & anor; Newman v MGN (not before 15 July 1996); Thoday & […]

Don't call me pint sized

I refer to your article entitled “Hard tax, soft porn” (25 June). Although I appreciate that in some quarters “any publicity is good publicity”, I do think you should note the following: Marilyn Chamers was a client of my firm, Lubar & Youngstein, before I joined Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, and she certainly did have […]

Let's consult over the facts

COULD I correct a fact about my continuance in practice upon becoming president of Trinity College, Oxford, in autumn. I said, as is the case, that my practice would be (subject to receipt of instructions) essentially but not exclusively an advisory and consultative one. Whether that is good news or bad and for whom, is […]

Change is the only way forward

Before I wrote this piece I wandered down memory lane. In doing so I came across some comments made by Martin Mears last August. They bear repeating. “All this amounts to a very specific programme. Some parts of it will be easier to achieve than others. In any event it will in, say, six months […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 09/07/96

Claim to pension rights by part-time employees Fletcher v Midland Bank (1996). EAT (Mummery J, Mrs Sunderland and Mr G Wright) 24/6/96. Summary: Sex discrimination alleged by part-time workers in an appeal against dismissal of their claim to a right to participate in the employer’s occupational pension schemes. Appeals by Mrs Fletcher and 21 other […]

Cost above justice

The Lord Chancellor, in his White Paper on legal aid, has neatly sidestepped the real issue in his quest to impose strict budgetary control on the system. Access to justice has taken a back seat to be replaced by the simple issue of cost. The only clear winner in this White Paper is the Government. […]

Litigation Personal Injury 09/07/96

King v Waltham Forest Health Authority – 14 June 1996 Claimant: Sarah King, 20 Incident: Medical negligence Injuries: Claimant left in perfect physical health but severely mentally handicapped; normal life expectancy Award: £1.3 million (agreed damages) Judge: Mr Justice Morland Plaintiff’s solicitors: Field Fisher Waterhouse Plaintiff’s counsel: Robert Francis QC Hannigan v North Hertfordshire Health […]