
Litigation Recent Decisions 17/09/96

Providing hairdressing services in the EC Ministere Public v Aubertin Joined Cases C-29-35/94 (1996). CJEC (Fourth Chamber) Summary: Validity of French law requiring hairdressers to have diplomas if they are French but permitting hairdressers from other member states to operate salons without diplomas. Reference to the European Court of Justice concerning two French citizens who […]

Security workshop

“Internet Security for Lawyers” is a one-day workshop being organised by First Base. Topics covered include firewalls, encryption, personnel security and the risks of using the Internet. Speakers include Nigel Miller, of Fox Williams. Each delegate will receive a free copy of Internet Firewalls & Network Security and a conference pack. The workshop costs £195 […]

New CBA directory planned

John Malpas reports PLANS to publish a directory of specialist criminal barristers have been unveiled by the Criminal Bar Association (CBA). The association, which has more than 2,000 members, hopes to publish its new directory at the beginning of next year. The directory will contain details of all the association’s members as well as sets […]

All clear on the horizon

Transfer of public risks to the private sector has become a major component of domestic development policy and is increasingly being used for major projects in developing countries such as the former Eastern Bloc and some Asian nations. But host governments, lenders, investors and developers do not always give proper consideration to environmental matters, and […]

In brief: Three new litigators for Lee Crowder

Birmingham firm Lee Crowder has appointed three new solicitors to its litigation department. Employment specialist Richard Whittington has joined the firm as an associate from Hobson Audley in London; insolvency specialist Alias Dass has been recruited from Birmingham firm Herbert Wilkes; and Robert Holland has transferred from Edge & Ellison, also in Birmingham. Head of […]

Lockerbie. When the rule book is thrown out

It is a cliche of modern life that when events of great significance occur, people remember where they were or what they were doing when the news broke. My first experience of this was the freezing November night when I heard of the assassination of President Kennedy. I was nine. More examples followed: man landed […]

Small group with big plans for reform

Sir Nicholas Lyell was among a small group of demonstrators outside the Royal Courts of Justice last Wednesday. He was not the Attorney-General but a man who changed his name to mark his frustration at having a vexatious litigant order issued against him. Like the others, he was there to register his discontent with the […]

Doctor in the dock

A Somerset woman who claims she suffered a stroke as a result of taking the contraceptive pill, is suing her GP. Philippa Brand will seek a High Court damages from Dr James Buckle of South Petherton, Somerset. She claims she should not have been prescribed the pill because she was 38, overweight, a heavy smoker […]

Illegality proves no defence

Faced with a claim involving payment for advertising telephone sex lines, Appeal Court judge Lord Justice Brown decided to append as the last page of his judgment a full-colour page of the advertisements at the centre of the case which depicted naked women and included highly suggestive copy. This aspect of Armhouse Lee Ltd v […]

Honeyman Brown:Alsops' merger mastermind

When Christopher Honeyman Brown was appointed chief executive of Liverpool-based Alsop Wilkinson five months ago, he vowed to leave no stone unturned in his review of operations. But there were few who could have foreseen that within four months he would be arranging the details for what amounts to a takeover. In the Dibb Lupton […]

A&O boosts cash to local law centre

City firm Allen & Overy has announced a substantial increase in the amount of pro bono work and funds which it donates each year to Wandsworth and Merton Law Centre in London. The firm has agreed to provide £15,000 a year and will start to take on in-house pro bono cases in addition to the […]

The best of the up-and-coming

One family law solicitor explains that because of the personal and subjective aspects involved in family law, solicitors in this area tend to return to the “tried and tested” counsel. This is the case for both leaders and juniors, as well as the chambers which are used. Again it is mainly the sets wit the […]