
Where there's a will

Linda Tsang gives some advice on how to go about finding long-lost beneficiaries what do you do when you are instructed to act in an estate and have to trace the beneficiaries who were not in contact with or even known to the testator? How do you trace the long-lost heir? If you are in […]

Govt paper to cut youth crime is 'scurrilous' and 'inappropriate'

PROMINENT youth justice practitioners have slated a Home Office White paper aiming to tackle youth crime as “scurrilous”, “inappropriate” and unlikely to work. The Home Office last week published its White Paper, “No More Excuses”, which intends to halve the time it takes for young offenders to move from arrest to sentencing. But the report […]

Govt legal appointment prompts calls for greater accountability

THE APPOINTMENT of a member of the Lord Chancellor’s old chambers as the First Junior Treasury Counsel has fuelled demands for the Government to make legal appointments more open and accountable. Philip Sales – an up-and-coming commercial barrister – takes over from Stephen Richards in the prestigious post of First Junior Treasury Counsel, Common Law, […]

Success for Wychavon fuels fight over magistrates courts

A COUNCIL’s successful fight to prevent a magistrates’ court from closing down has prompted six other local authorities to resist the axing of courts by cash-strapped Magistrates’ Courts Committees (MCCs). Last month Wychavon District Council won its battle to persuade the Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine to block the closure of Droitwich and Evesham courts. Since […]

Litigation Recent Decisions 02/12/97

Decisions are taken from Lawtel’s legal database. LTL: Lawtel report; TLR: Times Law Reports; ILR: Independent Law Report Hostile costs order in county court personal injury litigation Burrows v Vauxhall Motors; Mongiardi v IBC Vehicles (1997) Court: CA (Lord Woolf MR, Phillips LJ and Chadwick LJ) Summary: In what circumstances and at what stage should […]

A step forward in agency law

Stephen Sidkin and Julie Madelin examine the difficulties in the Commercial Agents Regulations. Stephen Sidkin is a commercial law partner and Julie Madelin a commercial litigation solicitor at Fox Williams. In 1996 it was clear from a spate of decisions that the English and Scottish courts had difficulty coming to terms with the amended Commercial […]

All is fair in love and defamation…

In an extraordinary twist to the usual defamation litigation, Anthony Julius, the lawyer best known for the legal work he performed for Princess Diana, is seeking to marry the daughter of a client whom he met while researching a case. Dina Rabinovitch, a London freelance journalist and mother of three, and her husband, a derivatives […]

In brief: Pratap Amin

In The Lawyer (28 October 1997), a news item “Wilde Sapte suffers triple loss” stated that Pratap Amin is “going back to India next March” when he retires from the partnership. Pratap Amin has asked us to make it clear that he does not intend to move to India and will remain in England as […]

The watchdog needs a firm hand

Maeve Bromwich welcomes the Financial Services Authority, but says the risk of over-regulation by one unified body is very real. Maeve Bromwich is a partner-designate at Manches & Co. The long-awaited launch of the new super regulator took place last month when Gordon Brown announced that Newro would be called the Financial Services Authority (FSA) […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 02/12/97

Shushil Ramanbhaj Patel, admitted 1977, practising at material time as a solicitor on own account as SR Patel & Co, in High Holborn, until November 1987, initially struck off and ordered to pay costs of £2,214. When it became known that he had already been struck off, the tribunal substituted order that he be prohibited […]

In brief: Flemings creates post for Geoffrey Howe

Geoffrey Howe, who steps down after 10 years as managing partner of Clifford Chance next year will become general counsel and a director of merchant bank Robert Fleming. Flemings said the post of general counsel has been created for him.

Fraudulent Fin free to appeal

The Law Lords have given the go-ahead for a man wanted for credit card fraud in Helsinki to appeal against the High Court’s refusal of his application for habeas corpus. Sami Saad Alla Badbah Kiriakos was convicted in Helsinki in 1990. However, pending appeal he was released from custody and left Finland. His conviction was […]