
Property code well received reveals survey

The majority of major property owners, surveyors and lawyers are willing to implement a code of practice for speeding up property sales, according to a survey drawn up by Clifford Chance property partner Teddy Bourne. Of the 70 responses received so far to the survey conducted by the Investment Property Forum, which is promoting the […]

Limbering up for the race to the presidency

Pity Law Society president Tony Girling. He is only halfway through his 12-month term, and already contenders for his job are coming forward, lobbying calls are being made, letter knives sharpened and plots hatched. It has been speculated incorrectly that Robert Sayer leaked his intention to stand for president to The Lawyer last week – […]

Before disaster strikes…

In today’s technological world, information has to be delivered swiftly and efficiently. And although systems crashes, stolen computers and natural disasters may be unavoidable, plenty can be done to ensure the security of data. First, if security is to work, the entire staff has to be committed to the security policy, from senior partner downwards. […]

Litigation Disciplinary Tribunals 25/02/97

David John King, 51, admitted 1972, and Bruce Thacker-Shaw Bebington, 51, admitted 1973, practising at material time in partnership as Kings, Birmingham, struck off and ordered to pay £3,976 costs, and fined £1,500 and ordered to pay £1,325 costs respectively. Allegations substantiated that both failed to keep proper accounts, wrongly drew money from client account, […]

Manches & Co and TSD booked by WH Smith

Manches & Co and Titmuss Sainer Dechert have won an estimated £750,000-a-year in property work from WH Smith after the book retailer held a beauty parade and ousted two of its former advisers: Bircham & Co and retail property niche firm Nathan Silman. It is understood Denton Hall and Charles Russell were also present on […]

In brief: Solicitor's writ accuses Barclays of libel

A solicitor has issued a High Court writ against Barclays Bank claiming damages for libel or breach of contract after the bank allegedly wrongfully bounced his cheques. Personal injury specialist Michael Friend, a sole practitioner, is claiming damages of up to £50,000 from the bank after four cheques totalling £33,374.04, which he issued from his […]

Courts IT bug leads to training upheaval

The £25m scheme to computerise all county courts in England and Wales by the end of the year has been delayed, disrupting a very tight Court Service schedule for staff training. The case management system Caseman is designed to issue court documents automatically and will replace the existing system of manual record-keeping. It has been […]

Look and learn before leaping

The breathtaking pace of development in information technology available to lawyers brings enormous opportunities for small firms. Improvements in the speed with which documents can be drafted and turned around, in the availability of legal and marketing information, and in communication with clients, domestic and international, have been dramatic. But these opportunities also bring dangers, […]

In brief: Forced Caesarean case postponement

A case challenging judges’ powers to order forced Caesareans has been adjourned until March. At the Family Division of the High Court last week, Mr Justice Stuart-White said another judge more experienced in judicial reviews should take his place and a hearing has tentatively been set for 14 March. The case has been taken by […]

Litigation Personal Injury 25/02/97

Burton v Chaussures Ravel – QB 10 February 1997 Claimant: Valerie Burton, 5Incident: Chemical injury Injuries: Claimant admitted to hospital for emergency heart treatment as result of exposure to aerosol adhesive spray while she was working as shoe shop window-dresser. Agreed damages included element of compensation for ‘profound shock’ suffered as result of claimant’s fear […]

Stalking case to run on

The definition of ‘stalking” is to be probed by the Law Lords. They have granted leave for an appeal to them by Anthony Burstow who was convicted at Reading Crown Court under the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 of causing grievous bodily harm to a woman, and jailed for three years. The offence was […]

In practice, choice is difficult

Have you ever taken a child to a toy shop and asked them to choose what they want? If you have, you will know that the exercise usually ends in tears. And the experience of choosing which practice management system to buy for your firm has the potential to end in the same way. So […]