
VW Trainor

In-house interview: Jim Trainor, head of legal at VW UK

Jim Trainor reveals how he runs Volkswagen Group UK’s legal department like a well-oiled machine “Five brands, one career” reads the strapline at the top of Volkswagen Group’s UK website. It’s a sentiment taken quite literally in the legal department, where a valiant team of three lawyers and two trainees handle the legal work not […]

south korea city

South Korea: Losing its shine 

Despite being a top recipient of foreign direct investment, South Korea’s business activity potential is not being realised. Do policymakers have the remedy? Although the country’s protectionist stance meant it was badly burnt by the 1997 Asian financial crisis, South Korea opened its economy to foreign investments and imports soon after and is now one […]

Jonathan Ames

This week’s top 15 legal briefings – 7 September 2014

The release of private pictures of Silver Linings Playbook and Hunger Games film star Jennifer Lawrence – along with the unauthorised posting of shots of other celebrities – has reignited issues around cloud technology and privacy. The story has moved quickly over the last few days – with reports suggesting that the media storm had […]

Sally Mewies

Mewies, Sally

Sally Mewies helps clients to purchase services and technology solutions in an efficient way while properly managing risk. Technology is now so integrated into a business’s way of working that it is no longer distinguishable as a standalone function. Technology plays a critical role in day-to-day operations and often performs strategically important functions. Performance of […]

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith helps clients to resolve commercial disputes as efficiently as possible, by achieving the best result for the minimum cost, while protecting their reputations. Smith has more than 25 years’ experience working with clients handling contentious situations across a wide range of sectors, including automotive, food and drink, pharma, property development, telecoms and heavy […]

Geoffrey Gouriet

Gouriet, Geoff

Geoff Gouriet helps clients to achieve their objectives in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), joint ventures and equity capital markets. Gouriet heads our corporate team and advises on a wide range of AIM and Main Market transactions and listings, acting for the companies themselves or their investment bank/brokers. He regularly advises on large M&A transactions […]

Jane Fielding

Fielding, Jane

Jane Fielding helps clients to find commercial solutions to workforce issues, from restructuring through to individual disputes. Fielding’s creative and open-minded approach allows her to offer clients the most appropriate solution, not always purely legal. Discrimination issues in the workplace can be particularly challenging, whether it’s an individual issue around bullying or a structural one […]

Derek Goodman

Goodban, Derek

Derek Goodban helps clients to take full advantage of the range of opportunities arising in and from the energy sector — whatever their business interests and drivers. The supply of secure, affordable energy that minimises environmental impact is a challenge being faced by governments, energy companies and other stakeholders globally. Markets are undergoing significant adaptation, both […]

Lee McBride

McBride, Lee

Lee McBride helps clients to get full value for assets they buy or sell so that they don’t end up with environmental liabilities they did not anticipate at a later date. Many clients have a misconception as to who should be responsible for pollution when buying contaminated sites and underestimate the nature and extent of […]

David Lowe

Lowe, David

David Lowe helps clients to negotiate and draft contracts to achieve their commercial aims in areas such as supply chain, facilities management, property management, outsourcing, logistics, manufacturing, supply of goods and services, international trade, consumer and travel law. Lowe advises clients on national and international supply chain and procurement agreements. His expertise in the sale […]

Bleddyn Rees

Rees, Bleddyn

Bleddyn Rees helps clients to understand the international health sector, the NHS and social care systems, policies and reforms. The healthcare sector is changing — and changing fast. The population is ageing and long-term conditions are becoming more common; demand is growing just as financial pressures are increasing; and public expectations are edging ever higher. […]

David Breslin

Breslin, David

David Breslin is a senior partner in the dispute resolution practice, handling commercial litigation and international arbitration, operating primarily in the insurance and reinsurance markets. He has acted in international arbitrations under common institutional rules, including LCIA, UNCITRAL and ICC, as well as other methods of alternative dispute resolution including mediation. He is also well […]