
madrid spain

Cuatrecasas sees revenue rise 3 per cent to break through €250m

Iberian firm Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira has reported a 3 per cent rise in turnover for the 2014 financial year, with revenues increasing from €248m to €255.4m (£185.5m). While Cuatrecasas has recorded turnover growth for the past three years (26 February 2014), this year’s results are the strongest for some time.  Cuatrecasas also said it will […]


The enforcement of awards made in the Technology and Construction Court.    

Company and commercial

The enforcement of county court and High Court judgment over £600 and up to six years old under a writ of control.    

Asset recovery

The recovery of assets on finance agreements and lease under a High Court writ of delivery.


The enforcement of arbitration awards against the defendant’s goods in England and Wales.

Aviation and maritime

Specialist enforcement services for the recovery of aircraft and ships under a High Court writ of delivery.    

Judgment enforcement

High Court enforcement of judgments and orders across England and Wales – writs of control, possession, delivery, restitution and sequestration.    

Intellectual property

The seizure and removal of counterfeit goods under a High Court writ and the enforcement of awards for damages for IP infringement.


The enforcement of employment tribunal awards and ACAS settlements.    

Real estate

The eviction of tenants from commercial property (forfeiture of lease) and residential property (possession order transferred to the High Court under S42 of the County Courts Act 1984) Recovery of rent arrears under CRAR (commercial) and judgment (residential) Eviction of squatters, trespassers and activists from land and commercial property under a writ of possession or […]


The enforcement of judgments and awards made as a result of litigation action.