
Public procurement

If you are a procuring organisation, we will help you to structure the tender, prepare tender documents and negotiate the best conditions with the bidders. We offer legal assistance to public institutions and private-sector participants on all aspects of public procurement. The team’s experience includes not only local procurement specifics, but also the practices and […]

Dispute resolution

Disputes are when other legal advice and contracts come to test. We will stand for your interest in complex litigation proceedings or significant debt recoveries. Dispute resolution is a key practice of the firm. We assist clients in a wide variety of business and trade-related litigation at courts of all jurisdictions. We actively develop litigation […]


Competition regulators are increasingly active and thus competition law has become relevant for all mature businesses as regards, for example, merger control, unfair competition, state aid, price fixing and similar competition restraints. We seek to educate our clients on the implementation of preventive measures, which are the best way to mitigate risks. We offer competition […]

Arbitration, mediation and ADR

Tark Grunte Sutkiene represents corporate and government clients in local and international arbitrations, including the ICSID tribunal. Our lawyers often are appointed as arbitrators and mediators. The firm has ties with litigation and arbitration experts around the world. Of the 35 lawyers in the practice group, four are members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

White collar

Our lawyers will assist you in cases of corporate fraud investigations and claims, as well as in defence against such allegations. The white collar practice was established several years ago to support the firm’s corporate clients. Since then the practice has seen steady growth and has dealt with complex corporate fraud and similar matters. Our […]

Restructuring and insolvency

We consult clients who find themselves in a critical situation. Insolvency can be an especially difficult and complex process, requiring sharp decisions irrespective of whether the consultation is necessary for a client in a relation with an insolvent company, or a client, seeking to avoid the insolvency himself or to effectively control such situation.  Our […]

Corporate law

Corporate matters range from routine corporate support to complex corporate restructuring projects and shareholder conflicts. We provide full service support for numerous local and multinational clients to establish and support their business in the Baltics. We will guide you through starting of the operations, incorporating of the company, obtaining licenses, hiring employees and negotiations of […]

Private equity and venture capital

We are the leading advisor for private equity and venture capital in the Baltics. Our experts have been pioneers in the creation of Baltic private equity structures in line with the best international standards. We will advise you on all aspects of private equity and venture capital transactions, whether you are the private equity investor […]

Mergers and acquisitions

M&A has historically been a cornerstone of our practice. Our M&A team has worked on nearly all major deals in the Baltic region and abroad. We will assist you in all aspects of the transaction, be it preparation for the sale of business, due diligence review, transaction structuring, privatisations, joint ventures or other aspect of […]

Parental leave rules will leave some employers in a dilemma, says Eversheds

Eligible parents of children due to be born or adopted on or after 5 April will be entitled to a new form of time off work known as shared parental leave. Naeema Choudry, partner at Eversheds, comments: “The dilemma for employers stems from the need to balance the cost implications of paying enhanced pay against […]