
It’s just not working: time to transform allocation methods

The illustration for our big feature this week was very nearly a caveman bashing an iPhone with a rock. We refrained in the end, but it’s odd to think that modern-day law firms – some of the most sophisticated and complex businesses on the planet – are still using prehistoric methods to allocate work to employees. […]

International Women’s Day: 60% of business leaders believe managers don’t prioritise gender equality

This article was contributed by DWF executive partner and head of retail, food and hospitality Hilary Ross for International Women’s Day 2017 Studies show that diverse firms grow and are more likely to innovate. Diversity, off course  encompasses many strands but nevertheless gender continues to lead the way in term of headlines, political will and business engagement. Achieving a gender balance at senior levels is the litmus test for diversity but continues to be a challenge for businesses across London.