
Private clients

Walder Wyss offers private clients comprehensive advisory services. We provide support in relocating to or taking up residence in Switzerland and also in planning and setting up the appropriate structures. We evaluate the most suitable domestic and international arrangements, including foundations and trusts, and we develop bespoke solutions. In corporate succession and estate planning we […]


Our professionals in employment, social security and tax law issues have many years of experience in a variety of industries and provide clients with comprehensive, in-depth advice on all aspects of the employer-employee relationship. Besides drafting contracts, our efforts focus primarily on providing support in transactions, negotiations and conflict resolution with individual employees, employee representatives […]

Public procurement

Walder Wyss helps public procurement offices and suppliers navigate their way through the labyrinth of the Swiss public procurement market.  We advise on structuring and executing invitations to tender, represent parties before cantonal administrative courts, the Swiss Federal Administrative Court as well as the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, draw up and negotiate procurement contracts, and […]

Real estate

Walder Wyss has specialised and established itself in the real estate sector over the course of many years.  Our experienced and well-known real estate team, consisting of numerous lawyers and tax experts, is one of the largest in Switzerland. This enables us to execute highly complex real estate transactions efficiently and with an integrated perspective. […]

Healthcare & life sciences

Healthcare is a sector characterised by strong growth and increasing complexity. Our clients include hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and biotechnology and medical technology start-ups, as well as public administration agencies and healthcare organisations.  We have considerable expertise in healthcare law and sector-specific life science issues. Our legal expertise is combined with a deep […]

Intellectual property & IT transactions, competition law

Transforming inventions into business assets: Walder Wyss provides companies with first-class advice on all aspects of patent and trademark law, copyright, equipment and business processes, and other confidential business information.  We assist our clients during the registration or acquisition of intellectual property rights and represent them in any disputes that may arise. We also advise […]


Our leading full service tax team assists clients in domestic and cross-border matters, with a focus on transactional, finance work and tax controversy.  We have many clients from the banking and finance industry, but also from corporates and wealth funds. The team closely interacts with our corporate and finance departments and our private clients team. […]

Litigation & arbitration, insolvency & restructuring

We have one of the pre-eminent litigation teams in Switzerland, advising and representing clients in all commercial and business litigation and in related legal fields.  The team is specialized in cross-border proceedings and all the legal and cultural challenges involved in such actions. The team has extensive experience in representing companies and private individuals in […]

Finance, regulatory & compliance

Walder Wyss’s longstanding experience in financial transactions places us among the top law firms in Switzerland. We advise banks, other financial companies and borrowers on a wide variety of secured and unsecured credit facilities, ranging from simple bilateral loans to complex syndicated loans, structured financing, and consumer credit. Walder Wyss also offers high-quality, targeted advisory […]

Corporate, M&A

Providing advice on the foundation, organisation and administration of all corporate structures that are relevant in Switzerland is part of Walder Wyss’s day-to-day business. We advise not only company shareholders and owners but also the companies themselves, ranging from listed corporations to small, family-owned firms. We help our clients find legal solutions that are both […]

McDermott set to lead as international firms prepare for Cuban future

As McDermott Will & Emery sets its sights on Cuba to launch a full-service venture, The Lawyer explores whether the long-forbidden island will become the next big destination for international firms. Last month McDermott announced intentions to target the Cuban market with a full-service venture in La Habana, set up through an agreement with independent Spanish […]

Walder Wyss advises SHL on takeover by Shang­hai Ji­uchuan In­vest­ment

On 24 July 2015, SHL Telemed­i­cine Ltd, Tel Aviv (SHL), a com­pany listed on the SIX Swiss Ex­change, and Shang­hai Ji­uchuan In­vest­ment (Group) Co., Ltd, Shang­hai (the Pur­chaser) en­tered into a merger agree­ment, pur­suant to which the Pur­chaser will, through one of its wholly owned sub­sidiary, ac­quire the en­tire share cap­i­tal of SHL by way of […]