
Day of reckoning looms for UK firms

For those with long memories there might seem to be nothing new in this week’s feature about the rise of the accountants. True, this time the tone of PwC, EY and KPMG suggests a more measured, less potentially hubristic story. But don’t be fooled. There is no lack of ambition. Look at the numbers. The […]

KWM delays Europe managing partner appointment amid restructure

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) will go without a managing partner in Europe and the Middle East until the end of the year. The firm has deferred holding elections to replace William Boss, who resigned from the position in January – one year before his term ends – until much later this year while it […]

Social Wine and Tapas, Marylebone, W1

Social Wine and Tapas (“SWT”) is a case in point. Unless you have been incarcerated for the last six months, you will already know that SWT is the latest in the ever-increasing Atherton empire. It’s a new tapas-based joint in that slightly unlovely bit of Marylebone just off Oxford Street, the tourist trap around the once-desirable St Christopher’s Place.